My nominations already been rejected several time even though this stone already been this area from 1999 to now. This is entrance point to middle school.
POIs at schools for those 18 and under are not allowed, and that could be why this keeps getting rejected. if it’s a K-12 school, it’s cannot be a Wayspot:
Edit: Looks like I found it, and it is a K-12 school, so it’s ineligible. 5.254304792984315, 118.0576588086728
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Ohh no wonder
Hello and welcome @hafsam
Coming to this forum to ask questions is the best thing you can do. Although in this case it wasn’t the answer you hoped for at least you now know.
If you would like help finding suitable nominations then please do ask.
I am moving this to the Nomination Support area as people there are happy to help you find suitable nominations.
I’ll move this to that area.