For the past 7 years, this Pokéstop has been our community’s regular meeting point, and even more so over the past year with the Campfire Ambassador events. Unfortunately, it was recently removed because it was classified as a graffiti Pokéstop, taking our Gym away with it.
Wayspot Title: Nelson Mendela
Location (lat/lon): 48.776478, 2.312063
City: Bourg-la-Reine
Country: France
A new Gym has appeared at the train station, but the poor network coverage due to the high number of daily commuters makes it difficult to play properly.
We would be extremely grateful if the Gym could be restored to its original location. This mural is more than just a piece of street art ; it holds deep meaning for our community. It is a tribute to the Charlie Hebdo attacks, reminding us of the importance of freedom of expression. As we mark the 10th anniversary of this tragic event, keeping this Pokéstop is also a way to honor this memory.
We kindly ask you to reconsider and help us bring back this meaningful landmark to our game.
Mod edit: Removed photo with several identifiable people on it and content against ToS.
Gyms are created when an L14 S2 cell reaches 2, 6, and 20 pokethings and that is all that can be created through Wayfarer. Another gym has been created, and the Wayfarer team cannot do anything about the in-game status for Pokemon Go. This L14 appears to be full and not eligible for any more gyms.
That’s exactly why I’m making this post : to try and reach someone in a good position who could potentially access the database, retrieve the historical data of this Wayspot, or even remove the newly spawned Gym and make it respawn. But I know that’s starting to get quite complicated
It’s not only quite complicated, it’s impossible. Only the Wayfarer Team is present on this forum and the decision which Wayspot has what status in what game is not available to them.
Should the Wayspot be restored which I’m pretty sure will not happen, your last straw would be contacting the Pokémon GO support channels. But they never did this either.
The photo with the group visible has no business being posted here . It is entirely irrelevant to this appeal case anyways, just like the whole wall of text you wrote about Pokémon GO
Technically, it is possible for the Wayfarer team to restore a gym, for example, by following these steps:
restore the wayspot
make sure the wayspot is indeed liked by the community more than other wayspots
temporarily retire the wayspot that has become an inconvenient gym
wait until the old wayspot becomes a gym, and then restore the temporarily retired wayspot.
A similar approach is already used to re-apply the proximity rules, so it’s not something the Wayfarer team cannot do.
They might argue that gym manipulation is considered abuse, as any gym location “should” be good enough. Even a gym with poor service might be more convenient for some players, so they could refuse to restore the old gym for that reason but say they “do not have the tools” to stop the conversation there.
Aaron indeed said that, but you missed the point. In my reply to Kawin, I explained that technically “impossible” is not accurate. A better way to phrase it would be “they will not do it.”
“Impossible for the Wayfarer team” appears to be accurate to me. Possibly the Pokemon Go team could do this if you want to go through them. The semantics do not matter imo so I will not continue to reply to this.
However I also don’t see a need for further comments as the evidence has all been presented. If there further comments that are unproductive it will be closed.
It will now be down to the Wayfarer Team to review that evidence, and reach a decision.
Note: the amount of likes a post may have is irrelevant on reaching that decision, as it is about the object and not what people think of it.
What I would particularly like to know is whether the commemorative tag honoring the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attacks is a valid reason to preserve this “historic” Pokéstop (which has been in Pokémon GO since 2016)
If so, I would also like to know if it would be possible, with the available means, to restore the Gym if necessary
Since this is the same point tgat you made at the start and contains nothing new, as previously stated I will close for further comments.
Please be patient and wait for the wayfarer team to review the case made.