was a nomination that I made after reporting the current Wayspot there as permanently removed. The church changed names years ago so the sign that I nominated where the other Wayspot was probably caused the duplicate photo and this to be rejected. Since I was told here to have the old Wayspot removed before nominating, I tried but at the same time. That is not part of Little Rock that I frequent often even though I went to elementary school decades ago several blocks to the south. We walked to and from the school and McDonald’s using Watt Street. Besides my first attempt to edit the title and description plus add the photo (not this time), that is how I know the area. Oh, I return to my question. How do I appeal this decision? I use my appeals typically successfully when I am have anttempts remaining unless this is appealed in Community.
This was my nomination. However, this is what is not there according to Ingress Intel Map.
I got confused reading through this. Did you report the church for the existing Wayspot for removal? Was the report rejected? If the report was rejected, you can appeal that in Wayspot Appeals with evidence.
Then when the non-existing church is removed, you can appeal the rejection of the new nomination. There is no time limit as to how long you can wait to make an appeal. If the button to appeal isn’t showing, you may still be on the 20 day counter before you can use one of your two appeals again.
(If you don’t have any appeals or want to save them, you could also submit a new nomination for the church that does exist, but either way, wait for the old one to be removed.)
I reported the church or old Wayspot as being permanently removed. Immediately after that, I nominated.
What was the outcome of that report? Does it have a decision yet?
I don’t know if anything was decided regarding the former church. I upgraded my nomination and likely caused that to be reviewed by the our team before the human team had a chance to review my report.
By submitting the new nomination before the other was removed, it likely appeared as a duplicate to reviewers. Better to wait until the old way spot is officially removed then submit the new one.
Ok, I guess I can do that. I still have the duplicate photo that was used for the last nomination.
Can you explain what you mean by you still have the duplicate photo?
Oh, I took the photo when the app was closed. That is on my phone. I just added “duplicate” before photo since I made a duplicate photo.
The new photo may be added onto it so it shows both if you had to choose photos to accept
Oh, please ignore that. I am mistaken. I created a duplicate not duplicate photo. I misread that. I am used to unintentionally creating duplicate photos. That was my mistake.
Your email says this was a community decision, not an “our team” one.
Upgrading does not increase the chance of a nomination going into Niantic review, either ML or human. If ML is going to pick up a nomination and decide it, it usually does so around 20-24 hours after submission. (The time can vary if you use Upload Later.) I always recommend that people wait until after this time to use an upgrade, in case they don’t need to.
Unless this has changed recently, a nomination marked “Duplicate” by the community will have the photo added to the Wayspot it was marked duplicate of. I don’t see it on the portal yet, so it could just not have synced in. But it won’t matter if an incorrect photo is on the Wayspot if the Wayspot is removed.
If you ever do need to get an incorrect photo removed, you can use help chat to request that: Niantic Wayfarer
Well this has got messy and difficult to follow
It has yet to be removed and you can see your picture has been added.
You could try help chat to remove the current wayspot explaining it has become tangled so you can make a new submission- maybe write a fuller description too
Oh, I did miss that in the screenshot from the email.
That is probably since I received the email less than 2 hours ago. I really do not know much more to add about the church. #missionsforgood is a typical way many religious nominations get a description in Little Rock. I know I typed #MissionforGod or #MissionsforGod. What might you suggest I add to the description? I know this is changing the category of the discussion. I will try that while both photos exist.