How do I improve this kind of Nomination?

Please provide:

Niantic Note

Thanks for the appeal, Explorer! The nomination in question does not meet the Wayfarer as it is a common water pump station with no significance. If this assessment is not accurate, please resubmit the nomination with additional context. We recommend you review the Wayspot Criteria before submitting your next Wayspot contribution: Wayfarer — Niantic Technical Support and Help Center

Rejection Criteria

Wayfarer criteria

Other Rejection Criteria


A water pumping station located in Zone C of Barangay Mangin, Dagupan City providing water for its residents

544 Mangin Rd, Dagupan, Pangasinan, Philippines

A water pumping station that provides water for the resident of Zone C, Barangay Mangin, Dagupan City since 1986 and has through multiple renovations/upgrades.

I would like to know how to improve my submission as I’ve

  • submitted one then got rejected by the AI
  • appealed and got rejected as it is a common water pump station with no significance
  • resubmitted one per their recommendation but got AI rejection again

Description (for the resubmission)
“The only water station located in Zone C of Barangay Mangin, Dagupan City providing water for its residents”
Supplemental Info (for the resubmission)
“The only water station located in Barangay Mangin, Dagupan City and is an important structure that relays water to the residents of the Barangay”

How common is common? Is it because there’s four more in the city? Because there’s only one of that in our Barangay and the others are ways away from it and have been designated other names based on their location (i.e ABF East Station, Nable Station, & Lasip Station based on Google Maps).
I’ve looked into it in terms of approved pokestops and I don’t know if the PoGoMap site is accurate but there are two that are approved as far as I’ve looked. (which is kinda vexing)

15.364016, 120.959308
Location ID: 93939494
Added 20th September 2023
Report this Location
Pamana Water San Leonardo - Rizal Pumping Station
Mambangnan, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija, Central Luzon, 3102, Philippines

15.365976, 120.966619
User ID: 89424578
Location ID: 93853607
Added 11th July 2023
(PogoMap.Info - Pokestop - Pamana Water San Leonardo Pumping Station)
Pamana Water - San Leonardo Pumping Station
San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija, Central Luzon, 3102, Philippines

Hi @Reiselle

I’m not sure I understand how this meets eligibility criteria. Maybe you can tell me how this is:

  • A Great place to explore OR
  • A Great place to exercise OR
  • A Great place to be social with others

To me this seems to be important infrastructure for your community. But that doesn’t necessarily translate to a wayspot.

As for similar existing stops - sometimes they slip through. Other times Niantic imports things from other databases. It can be confusing and frustrating.

I don’t have a good way to check your local map, but some of the other people around here do. They may be able to identify alternative nominations.


Hello and welcome,

I do have to second what has already been said, as this appears to be a utility infrastructure, and infrastructure is pretty indistinct and doesn’t usually meet criteria. And the Wayspots that are already in-game doesn’t mean that new submissions will be approved, as there are many Wayspots that have been approved that don’t meet criteria, or the criteria was different back when they were accepted.

I did take a look at the other Wayspots that were approved, and I do see water towers there. Some water towers may be eligible, such as those that feature artwork or even a city’s name on them, but I don’t see how the approved ones meet criteria, as it does appear that there isn’t pedestrian access; there are fences around these towers, and I doubt pedestrians are able to access the areas.


Aside from what you’ve mentioned it being an important infrastructure as it’s a water utility one and it provides for the three zones (A,B, & C) in our barangay. It can be a POI as when you’re passing through the Barangay, it’s the only one you’ll see for the whole trip down the barangay’s zones. A sort of marker for the mid way point for Zone C if any. As far as history goes, a few conversations with the older residents of the community I found out that it’s been there since the 80’s (although hard/tangible proofs would be very useful).

I know it is important to your community. But you really need to be able to identify and explain how it is a great place to be social, explore, or exercise. Being unique is not enough.

A nomination for a water treatment plant I saw recently offered tours. This would point to an Explore criteria.

Does this building have a mural or educational signs on the property? These would also point to Explore criteria.


Still kinda disappointed but that explains it well than just being told too common or plain Wayfarer Criteria which is vague. Thank you and DTrain2002 for your time


No problem. I wish we had better things to offer.

Please feel free to post other potential nominations or ask questions!

Best of luck :crossed_fingers:t2:

And I’m sure you’ll come across more things :smile_cat:

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