How to fight the majority opinion?

Hello to all conscientious Wayfinders!

I apologize for the fact that my text is chaotic and unstructured. I just can’t stand what is happening anymore. This is just a cry from the heart!

For many years now I have been trying to direct the community of my country to a conscientious attitude towards the nominations.However, every time there are factors that hinder me. One of the main factors is the vague nomination rules or their inconsistency with the realities of other countries. For example, in our country (Kazakhstan), practically identical playgrounds are installed in every yard, produced in huge quantities. They don’t have any special features and there are just a lot of them. As a result, the in-game maps of some cities turn into dystopian playgrounds. As a result, a person who thinks that the Niantic game map shows interesting, popular and significant places will encounter the complete opposite. Another example is a cafe. In the central areas of many large cities there may be dozens of different food establishments in one building. And they all have pseudo-unique design and cuisine. This leads to the same thing as with playgrounds. There are too many of them. The problem is that most players simply benefit from a large number of in-game objects. At the same time, they don’t care at all about the quality of the design of these objects. As a result, this majority promotes these low-quality nominations with such fanaticism that their rating increases, while the rating of the honest ones decreases. In addition, the latest events, organized to some extent for Ingress players, have led to the fact that there are excessive editing of nominations that interfere with voting. All for the sake of getting some achievement (I don’t know the name, but I know for sure that it exists). In addition, these unscrupulous players create twinks, complaints about which are useless. As a result, there are even more abusers. And I don’t know how to complain about them and how to fight them. At one time I tried to complain, but I understood that the Niantic team would not deal with the small Russian-language community in a messenger (Telegram) that is unpopular in Europe and the USA. But still, what to do when you have been playing the game for 8 years, and newcomers who have developed very quickly due to the leveling up of friendship, remote raids, etc. And then they ruin the look of the game with their low-quality nominations. Eventually disappear from the game after a few months.
I sit for about 40 minutes evaluating nominations that are obviously bad or violate the rules: location on the territory of schools and kindergartens, dark photographs, blurry photographs, photographs with incorrect orientation of the object, photographs with an unreasonably strongly tilted horizon, nominations mentioning in-game elements of Niantic games and much more. As a result, in these 40 minutes I “accepted” only a couple of nominations, which were playgrounds. And the most important thing is that because I “reject” all these problematic nominations, for which the new generation votes, my rating falls.
With the advent of ML, things only got worse. Now players are starting to take advantage of the fact that their playgrounds, which are nothing special, are being approved so quickly within 24 hours and in such large numbers. And so actively that they accepted children’s and sports playgrounds as the most ideal nominations for potentially 100% approval.

I’m just exhausted by this attitude. I put all of myself into making the game attractive and interesting, while others do a slapdash job and disappear from the game.

It would probably be wonderful if we had a dozen people in our country accredited by Niantic itself. So that people understand that “yes, these people are apparently really doing the right things.” It is possible that these people would have the opportunity to at least temporarily limit the activities of abusers for some time, at least in relation to Wayfarer. I understand that my community is incomparably small compared to developed countries and it is not advisable to pay attention to it. But still, I would like to hope for some kind of gratitude, or trust, or a reaction in support of the players carrying out the mission of Niantic.

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I know other people will have better words to respond to you with than I will, but, fyi, ML accepts have been turned off for the time being:

If these playgrounds are on SFPRP (single family private residential property) then you can report them. Either in game or using one of the links at the top here. Posting in case you can’t see them in the format you are using for the forum:

Hi. No, they are not located on private property. They are located in almost every housing complex. There is nothing significant about them to anyone. I would compare them to lamp posts. They don’t break any rules, but there’s also nothing about them that would make them acceptable. Perhaps I would compare them to benches. Benches are also, in some ways, a significant object for park areas. But they are located every 20m throughout the park. The same benches stand in the neighboring village, and in the neighboring city, and in the city on the other side of the country. It’s the same with playgrounds, they’re just the same everywhere. Perhaps in some densely populated countries a piece of free space with a playground is a rarity, but not in Kazakhstan.

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I don’t want to dismiss your frustration, but I can’t imagine a playground that would not be a great place for exercise, exploration, and being social. Would you like to share some photos?

This is their theoretical task, but in fact this function is never performed. Besides, street benches are also a great place to socialize and relax. You wouldn’t say that putting a POI every 20m, just because they fit the definition, is a good idea, would you?

Ex Soviet housings have what is almost mandatory playgrounds, and almost all of them are not Single family residential property. You end up with 10+ playgrounds in the same neighborhood for example.

@DenialN1 what may seem insignificant to you may be significant for someone else.

Of course, the criteria that tries to apply to a global scale can not make it so only hyper distinct locations only are in the database everywhere.

Also, people who have next to zero interest in Wayfarer will go with the easiest option. So what you will mostly see is playgrounds and there will be nothing you can do as they clearly fulfill multiple out of the core criteria Explore, Exercise and Socialising. I understand how tiresome that is, but neither of us makes the rules.
My showcase often consists of 3 playgrounds as well but that’s just how it is.

As for all the abuse, be the change you want to see and report everything with the Reporting Channels mentioned by the other users, anything that blatantly goes against the criteria can be sent there.


In some other places, Niantic imported car wash infrastructure and home businesses which were closed 10 years ago, people submit bus stops and donation plaques for dead people, ML approves street signs, and so on

I’d say local playground in an apartment complex is not bad at all, comparing to the things above. Enjoy while it not that bad))


Not every wayspot has to be “interesting.” The majority of wayspots that meet the exercise criterion will not be very interesting. But they meet Niantic’s goal to get people outside being active. Also, just because no one is using it right now, that doesn’t mean that they won’t start using it tomorrow.


This is bad. Just look at the pictures of the existing and nominated POIs. It’s obvious that no one is putting in the slightest bit of effort to make anything good.

In most cases, half of each photo is either sky or earth. In other cases, it’s snowy playgrounds, at night, or playgrounds photographed very far away.

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I dont wanna offend, but its seems you are being extremely picky. There isnt anything wrong with most of these, id only reject the one with identifiable children from this batch.


In general, many refer to the fact that if something can be pulled into the subject of research, sports and communication, then this is an excellent nomination. But I always give the 10th rule for rejecting nominations as an example.

“Any other type of abuse that you feel is not in keeping with the spirit of Wayfarer’s mission to create THE MOST INTERESTING, family-friendly, and accurate representation of the real-world”

I think that I have some ability to assess the huge dominance of playground nominations (in some cases) as a form of abuse.

Wow. Playgrounds meet all three criteria, and you are calling them abuse. You really are fighting the majority opinion.


This sounds weird to me. All Niantic games compress image quality very heavily. And if the face is not clearly visible, what could happen? No one will kick children out of a playground for the sake of a photo, just as no one will wait on a playground until all the children have left. In my opinion, this option is more picky than mine.

There is a rejection reason to select for a recognizable face in the review flow.

Can you recognize any of the faces in the 4th photo?

My vision is bad, but I am sure people who knew them would.

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I cant tell you the number of times I have had to go take a photo of a business, park, playground etc at a time I knew there would be no people to make sure I got a good photo. So counter to your point: Yes, I would wait for a better opportunity to take the photo to ensure its of the best quality and meets photo standards. Thats just what you have to do sometimes.


They are recognisable children.
It would be helpful if you could provide the wayspot details so the photo can be removed.
I have spent time at various locations waiting for people to go so I could take a photo.

Nothing wrong with a playground a great place for kids to play, exercise and socialise. And for parent to socialise. This is not about how it looks but the functions.
Do check out the clarification collection category for lots of up to date guidelines.


With the same degree of certainty I can say that I saw the mother of my great-uncle’s son on my grandfather’s side in a photo of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Let’s remove the Leaning Tower of Pisa POI.