How to report physically inaccessible GO gyms?

No. I want everybody to stop it.

I took no part in the wayfarer creation, all I heard is “these agents are mad at us because we put this portal here”

…please for the love of god do not think I am just a puppet of my ingress team.

And people in Go get physically attacked, shouted abuse, threats, by nutters who dont want them to attack/control a gym. You just have to report/avoid/not antagonise the nutters and move on.

I know they are 2 different games but obsessive, dangerous, unpleasant people exist everywhere in society and you can either poke the bear or leave it alone and go somewhere else, depends what’s more important to you!

If Niantic didnt want this stuff to happen, they would have designed the games differently. Ingress has had what, 10 years? More? If it were not intended gameplay, Niantic would have changed it by now. Seems to me to be part of the complex strategy and part of the reason the game holds the attention?


@frealafgb fields (triangles) can overlap but links (lines) cannot intersect. A whole region can be controlled by one faction until they want to with hard anchors to set the fields.

@loonessia The problem you address is an Ingress gameplay issue while the @3EeveesInACoat is a PGO issue. A mechanism to mark restricted areas as such implemented to the specific games would more likely be handled by the Ingress or PGO team. By what method and if this feedback would be implemented is on their hands. One problem expressed differently for each game.

The Wayfarer criteria still allows for such locations to be allowed, the database is akin to a pantry where each game can choose which and how it is implemented by respective app teams. It considers potential users from exclusive locations and does not assume all wayspots can be accessed by everyone.

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Yeah agree its a game issue not a wayfarer issue and if the games wanted to stop this kind of thing I’m sure they could implement changes

I knew of one. He got arrested.

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Honestly, Ingress is just toxic by design. The only thing there is to do in that game is build bigger and bigger triangles and prevent the opposing team from doing the same. It forces continuous confrontation between people, and thus it’s no surprise when Ingress players start exhibiting toxic behavior like getting portals removed just because they’re useful to the enemy team.


I’ve seen much worse from pokemon honestly. We actually had a whole disclaimer on one because he was so dangerous. Exhibiting needless anger on others in person; honestly a people issue. But lets not get too off topic there.

And I’ve seen Youtube videos of local Ingress players stalking another Ingress player because they suspected him of “playing with multiple accounts” and they were recording it as “evidence”. There’s psychopaths in every playerbase. Doesn’t change the fact that Pokemon Go is inherently way less toxic by design than Ingress is.

And the perp has gone to lengths such as… Relieving himself on an opposing player’s car over a gym.

Competition being there drives people to madness. Ingress’s toxicity stems from an increased degree of competition. Should we ban competition? Definitely not. But it’d be nice to know there’s an even and safe playing field to compete on.

Each game will have some form of competition and with that comes bad eggs. If competition incite indecency, also in the player’s own benefit to step back from the game.

Each location would have different features and POIs that have different means of access. It’s a double-edged sw0rd (ridicul0us filter) when the map is based off of reality and requires physical activity, some will have more advantage than others implicitly. Compare a city to a town and the criteria still stands but the volume of eligible wayspots inherently side towards that with more objects and third places.


This has gone way off topic. I suspect a Niantic employee will come by soon to close or slow it down.

The bottom line is that Niantic Wayfarer has policies about allowing wayspots in restricted areas. No amount of bickering by players is going to change those policies. Each set of games players must learn to deal with it like rational human beings.


And I think a discussion on which game’s players are more mature is not very productive either :slight_smile:

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You are correct, I tried to rerail this thread and we’re about… in the ocean now. Wew. But i guess this topic is sunk now.

I’m sorry. I’ll take my leave.

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Exactly the sort of attitude I would expect from a Peridot player like yourself!


I’m a Catan player, thank you very much :slight_smile:

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I… regret making this post now. This thread went toxic fast, and stopped being helpful after @Gendgi answered my question with clarification to the murky guideline. I’ll try to delete this thread now.

Edit, can’t do that so I just reported my thread asking for this to be locked or removed. Yikes, just yikes.


It was a good post. I am glad you made it. Agree is time to be closed.


Topic has been closed at the request of the original poster