Hvorfor kalder de det her wayspot en kopi?

Jeg er så frustreret over de kalder det en kopi, nu når navnet hullet i stenen er fiktiv, tilhørende et andet spil. Eller er det bare mig igen?

I can see that “Hullet i stenen” already exists on the map as I see it in Ingress here.

56.716824, 10.114851

It may not show on Pokémon GO as you have many other things in that area, one of which will be the PokéStop for that cell.

One of these:

  • Jeg gik mig over sø og land
  • Kålormsten

So duplicate decision is correct.


Image for illusration purposes only.

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You really ought to try to get IITC set up so that you can check whether nominations exist. This is in Ingress already.

Also, whilst I know there’s been issues with it not working in certain languages, the map screen in Pokémon Go when you go to create a nomination is capable of showing you wayspots around the area that you’re currently physically stood at (it doesn’t update if you move the pin, so you need to be actually at the location)

Wayspots in Pokémon Go are represented in blue, whilst those that aren’t able to be used in Pokémon Go are orange. You can tap them to see what they represent.


Something that will help in future @qvigus is to turn this toggle on, in the first screen when you have tapped new PokéStop.


It will then show you some orange Wayfarer pins for Wayspots that are on the Niantic Map, but that don’t appear in Pokémon GO.

One day Ingress may get this feature too. :cry:

If only Niantic scrapped the 20m rule. whistles and walks away

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They have done it once before* so who knows.

*may have been a bug :person_shrugging:

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I’m not sure I understand your point. Each game uses different inclusion rules. Either distance or density based.

I don’t think the specific inclusion rule matters for showing this toggle in game. All that would be needed to show in ingress is the hidden map layer within a distance from where the player triggered it.

It was a tongue in cheek comment. It is possible for a wayspot to exist in Pogo because of the cell rules, but not exist in Ingress because of the 20m rule. However, on a serious point, if Niantic got rid of the 20m rule, there wouldn’t be much need for a toggle button for Ingress.

Ah I see now. It’s because many folks use the Ingress map through IITC. If you aren’t using it for Ingress, it can have a few inaccuracies. But the toggle in Pokémon Go would show all the mapped items from Lightship database.

Adding that I would much prefer a Wayfarer app/map. No need to request changing rules in one game just to benefit another.

Ved godt det er taget af et andet spil. Men det navn det spil bruger er fiktiv. Der mere information i min nominering. Og det er ikke en kopi af noget da jeg selv Har taget billidet. Og i kan godt glemme det med de er for tæt. Sådan er det alle de populære steder, i alle byer verden rundt. I skal forstå hvad en gågade er. Der er nok ikke et mere offentligt sted at befinde sig og socialisere. Og det er oven i købet en bakke så man for nok motion. Men i synes åbenbart fodboldmål og små træskilte er bedre kandidater til wayspots. Så giver sku op nu. Må bare flytte til en større by når det er.

I know it’s frustrating when you have a more accurate name and Description. Plus your own photo. But this already exists in Niantic’s Lightship database. This database is a map of all the accepted wayspots.

Niantic currently has 5 games (Ingress, Pokémon Go, Pikmin Bloom, Peridot, and Monster Hunter Now). Both Ingress and Pokémon Go encourage experienced players to nominate wayspots (Portals/Pokespots). Each of the 5 games has their own inclusion rules. Either distance or density based.

So your very cool nomination is already in the database. It just isn’t eligible in your game of choice unfortunately.

Don’t give up! You have an eye for photos. And it sounds like you are good at giving a detailed description.

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Det er op af bakke. Forstår ikke de laver begrænsninger for Pokemon go, nu når det er det mest populære og ældste. De vil ikke engang godtage de beskrivelser jeg har lavet til de ældre wayspots.

Og så har jeg fået 2 wayspots godkendt som ikke bliver brugt til noget. :+1::+1:

I’m quoting the translation of your post, so if it’s inaccurate please let us know.

I just want to point out that while PoGo might be Niantic’s most popular game (I don’t know the numbers myself), it’s not the oldest; Ingress is several years older.

Also, the description you suggested contains several references to Pokemon, which isn’t allowed and is a reason to reject a nomination or edit. Titles and descriptions cannot mention any specific game, as they could be used in any of Niantic’s games.

And while it’s probably not much consolation, you may helped out your local Ingress players by giving them another portal or two! And if the Wayspot that’s currently blocking yours from appearing in PoGo is ever removed, yours might show up.


For future reference, I suggest you try to familiarise yourself with the criteria again, and specifically pay attention to this article from Wayfarer Support, which covers why your description edit was correctly rejected.