“I don’t understand why my waypoint, which was accepted, isn’t showing up on the map, like they didn’t turn it into a PokéStop.”
I won’t pretend to understand the mechanism, so I won’t try and explain it in too much detail. Below is the link for how S2 / Level 17 cells work… It’s possible that your nomination exists in the same cell as another Wayspot.
Mental Note: Stop treading on @cyndiepooh domain.
Welcome to the forum @S1a2m3o4 !
I know the prompt tells you that you are submitting a “Pokestop” but you are actually submitting a Wayspot to Niantic’s database. The Wayspot can only become a Pokestop or gym if it is alone in a level 17 S2 cell. This is a good article about S2 cells and PoGo: https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/comprehensive-guide-s2-cells-pokemon-go/
If you would like to leave the name of the Wayspot and the gps coordinates, someone can check if this is the issue for you.
Dňa ne 26. 1. 2025 o 22:26 Cyndiepooh via Niantic Wayfarer Community <notifications@wayfarer.discoursemail.com> napísala(a):
Need coordinates, please. Or at least a link to Google maps.
I found it. It is in the same L17 S2 cell as two other portals. Only one can show in Pokemon Go. There may be even more Wayspots there that do not show on this map of Ingress portals (iitc) I am looking at.
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Lol, I love seeing you answer these questions. You say things in a different way from me.
Okay, so how should I understand this? Does it mean there won’t be a PokéStop there because there are already more of them?
To piggy back off Cyndie’s comment, this may be a little clearer as you can see all the Wayspots here with photos on them too.
Because this is not alone in that grid, it cannot become a Pokestop or gym. It could still become a Powerspot - we haven’t figured out all the rules for those.
I love that Niantic is allowing us to explain about S2 cells here. That helps when people know to look in empty cells to create locations for Pokemon Go. Some people have misunderstood me that they should just put things in an empty cell, but that is not what I am saying, to be clear. Points of interest must be submitted at the location where they actually exist, not pinned to put it in an empty cell.
In a nutshell, if there is a Wayspot in the Level 17 S2 cell, whilst you can have other Wayspots in the same Level 17 S2 Cell, only 1 of them can become a Pokestop / Gym in Pokemon Go. The nomination can only appear as a Pokestop / Gym if it’s in a different cell. Please don’t take this as an opportunity to misplace a nomination in a different cell to get a Pokestop / Gym.
Do Wayfarer Ambassadors still have access to the Wayfarer app? It’s just that after the last update, access was closed with the transition to Scaniverse.
As per this topic, it came back on iOS
Okay, thank you for the explanation, it helped me understand how it works.