Incorrectly Duplicated Trail Marker

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Wegweiser - Märzenburg-Rund am Märzenburgweg [ translated: Trail Marker - Märzen Hill Loop on Märzen Hill Road ]

  • Location (lat/lon): 47.861775,10.628685

  • City: Kaufbeuren

  • Country: Germany

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):
    This Wayspot submission was rejected by Emily as a duplicate a couple of minutes after a nearby trail marker submission of mine for the same trail was accepted by Emily. The two trail markers are two different distinct signs for the same trail located about 1 km apart.

I appealed the rejection through Wayfarer, but unfortunately, whoever reviewed my request did not look at the photos carefully enough and rejected my appeal.

Here are the photos from this submission:


This submission was marked as a duplicate of this Wayspot. “Wegweiser - Märzenburg-Runde am Äußere Buchleuthenstraße Sud”: 47.868319,10.627497
[ translated: Trail Marker - Märzen Hill Loop on Outer Buchleuthen Street south" ]

Here are the photos for this Wayspot:


Please notice that both submissions included as a supporting photo a photo with the trail marker and the gps coordinates. The two photos clearly show a different location.

Now, to compare the main photos to show that they are not duplicates.

For the approved Wayspot “Wegweiser - Märzenburg-Runde am Äußere Buchleuthenstraße Sud”

  1. The trail marker has three different direction signs pointing in three different directions. If the sign were positioned in the middle of a square room, then the top sign points to the front left corner of the room; the middle sign points to the back left corner of the room; and the bottom sign points to the front right corner of the room and the metal is bent where the sign attaches to the pole. The three signs are positioned like they are at a Y intersection (because they are!) This means that the photo shows the back of the middle sign and it is not readable in the photo.
  2. The top sign lists the distances in minutes walking. To the Bahnhof [ train station ] it is a 15 minute walk. To Stadtmitte [ city center ], 20 minutes. The bottom sign lists to Biessenhofen (the next town to the south), it is 1.25 hours walk. To Apfeltrang (another neighboring town), also 1.25 hours. The walking time listed for the Mäzenburg-Runde is 1 hour. This is the time to walk the loop and return to this sign.
  3. Please notice the actual items listed on the signs. The top sign lists: Märzenburg-Runde, Bahnhof, Stadtmitte. The middle sign is not readable. The bottom sign lists: Märzenburg-Runde, Biessenhofen, Apfeltrang.
  4. On the top sign and the bottom sign, there is a unique number on the bottom corner closest to the post “09762000-0004”

For the incorrectly duplicated submission "Wegweiser - Märzenburg-Rund am Märzenburgweg

  1. The trail marker, like the other one, has three different direction signs. If the sign were positioned in the middle of a square room, then the top sig points to the front right corner; the middle sign points to the front left corner; the bottom sign points to the back right corner. The three signs are positioned like they are at a T intersection (because they are!) and you can see the front of all three direction signs. The walking time listed for the Mäzenburg-Runde is 1 hour. This is the time to walk the loop and return to this sign.
  2. The top sign lists the following destinations with distances in walking time. To Fliegerhorst (local air field), 10 minute walk. To Stadtmitte (city center), 40 minute walk. The middle sign lists: To Bahnhof (train station), 30 minutes. To Stadtmitte (city center), 40 minutes. (yes, both paths lead to the city center but via different trails) The bottom sign lists: Biessenhofen and Apfeltrang both as a 1 hour walk.
  3. Please notice the actual items listed on the signs. The top sign lists: Märzenburg-Runde, Fliegerhorst, Stadtmitte. The middle sign lists: Märzenburg-Runde, Bahnhof, Stadtmitt. The bottom sign lists: Biessenhofen, Apfeltrang.
  4. Visible on the middle and bottom sign is a unique number “09762000-0137”

To confirm that both locations are in fact located on this trail, here is a link to a website with a map of the trail [ you may have to scroll to the correct trail ] : Wandern - Kaufbeuren Tourismus

In summary: here are all of the differences between the two submissions, any one of which should be enough to confirm that the two signs are in fact different signs for the same trail.

  1. The supporting geotagged photos show different signs in different locations
  2. The angle that the individual direction signs are attached to the pole is different indicating the signs are at differently shaped intersections (Y vs T intersections)
  3. The visible individual direction signs each contain different specific listings with different walking durations. For example, the top sign of one contains “Märzenburg-Runde, Bahnhof, Stadtmitte” while the top sign of the other contains “Märzenburg-Runde, Fliegerhorst, Stadtmitte” A 15 minute walking time difference indicates the signs are about 1 km apart.
  4. The specific sign number is different. The first part of the number is the same “09762000” but the ending is different. “0137” versus “0004”
  5. One of the signs has been damaged and is bent, while the other has not.

Please either approve “Wegweiser - Märzenburg-Rund am Märzenburgweg” as a Wayspot, or allow it to go to community voting. Please remove its photo from the non-duplicate Wayspot “Wegweiser - Märzenburg-Runde am Äußere Buchleuthenstraße Sud”

Thank you.

The “duplicate” photo was added to different wayspot, “Wegweiser - Ebenhofen, Kaufbeuren, Apfeltrang”, 47.861742, 10.628590. That’s about 6 meters distance from the new nomination.


Not sure if it’s a new marker for the same trail, or different one; would be too close to appear in game anyway.

*edit: the existing old wayspot is the distance plaque on the corner of the building in the support photo, correct?

Ah. That is a little different. “Wegweiser - Ebenhofen, Kaufbeuren, Apfeltrang” (also my submission) is the direction sign located on the side of the barn. It lists distances to the three closest towns. The picture you posted is correct.

“Wegweiser - Märzenburg-Rund am Märzenburgweg” is a very different looking sign and not only includes the distances for the nearby towns and destinations, but it is also an official trail marker for the “Märzenburg-Runde” [ Märzen Hill Loop ]. I included the list to the local tourist information site with information on this trail.

It is true that the two signs are close to each other. Both are included in the supporting photo I posted above.

They are distinct signs and serve slightly different purposes. “Wegweiser - Ebenhofen, Kaufbeuren, Apfeltrang” helps someone who is out for a walk/bike ride know which way to go to get the different villages.

“Wegweiser - Märzenburg-Rund am Märzenburgweg” can serve the same purpose, but it adds the additional information of how to follow the “Märzenburg-Runde” trail.

Thank you.