Influencing Reviewers

I just received a email telling me my nomination was rejected because 1: mismatch location and 2:Influencing Revewers.
What is that supposed to mean? It sounds like I’m out there trying to bribe people.

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Can you share screenshots of your nomination including the title, description and supporting info?

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Welcome to the forum @ladyhawk76

We can help you guess why the nomination was rejected if you post screenshots of what you submitted, including both photos and all text you used as was suggested. Be aware that the rejection reason could show up if only one reviewer used it. If you don’t want to share, I would suggest you focus more on the mismatched location rejection if you resubmit. Be sure to use your supporting section to point out how reviewers can confirm the location.

Even though the prompt says to say why this would be a good game location, you just want to say how it meets Wayspot criteria of a great place to exercise, explore or be social, and tell reviewers how to confirm the location is what and where you say it is, not why it would help the game you submitted from. A single comment by staff taken out of context has some people incorrectly using “influencing reviewers” for any game reference there.

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Here are the pictures. Are they accusing me of having Wonkavision where if you click on my posts you get a real chocolate bar or something?


I think it was that comment I mentioned. Don’t worry about that, just leave out the pokestop reference in future nominations. Since you have appealed it, I would recommend you wait and see what the appeals team says before you consider resubmitting.

For future nominations, your supporting photo should also contain the poi, but from further back to give reviewers an idea to see where the poi is in the landscape. When I tried to see if this could be seen on Street View, the building at the pin was for sale, so I am not sure how permanent this is, either. It looks like a seasonal display, too, so this would be a very difficult thing to get accepted imo.

Thank you for your help. Strange, they need to update their street pictures because the building sold 2 years ago :grinning:

That tracks because this was the for sale sign from 2022

But in another spot from 2024 it isn’t for sale

And the spot where it looks like the art might be is from 2016

So that view isn’t helping you any. A good supporting photo could help overcome this though.

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Google or other developers typically update Street View, not any specific location/business themselves. It’s not uncommon to find areas with no Street View in the world still, especially rural areas, military bases, and other restricted areas.

Hence why a good supporting photo showing the nomination with the surrounding area is best to take; also consider taking in landscape to get as much of the supporting area in with the nomination.

Oh, hey! I used to work at that gas station when I went to school there!

And it looks like Waffle House is gone. :sob: