Insect Hotels

They’re popping up everywhere. What is the appropriate tags?

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Welcome to the forum!

Obligatory tag for @Xenopus for insect hotels =)

If you mean categories, it doesn’t really matter what you choose. I submit in Ingress, and we don’t have to pick categories. Maybe “Nature sign” or “Other”?

I was typing furiously already! :wink:

Correct tags: the best, 5 stars :smiley:

More seriously, if this is about Pokémon GO categories chosen when nominating, then there isn’t a good one, but also keep in mind these labels are optional and don’t appear to be influencing anything very much as they are totally absent from one of the games that can submit.


I’ve moved this out of Wayfarer Basics since it isn’t really the kind of question that helps new people.