Selecting category of things around pokestop?

When reviewing pokestops, am I supposed to select categories of things around the pokestop or specifically the pokestop itself or both? For example, a trail marker in the forest, do I select ‘Forest’ or not, since the marker itself isnt a forest but is inside a forest. Or a plaque on a building, Id agree with ‘Plaque’ but do I accept ‘Historic Building’ also.

Welcome to the forum @TannedBatman !

Be accurate, but don’t worry too much about those categories. Ingress nominations - the way I submit - don’t even allow you to include them, and Niantic hasn’t given many guidelines about them. I would just chose one category that most closely matches the thing I am submitting if I were to submit in PoGo.

When reviewing, you can say “No” to all of them and it will still let you submit the review. I usually check any that most closely represent the actual thing being nominated.

Just adding a note to say that the categories have nothing to do with eligibility, which is a common misconception. You will find “elementary schools” and “fire stations” among the categories you can add, neither of which are eligible nominations.