Invalid Wayspot - Circular Bench

  • Wayspot Title: Circular Bench

  • Location (lat/lon): Ingress Intel Map / 34.187041,-118.372424

  • City: Los Angeles, CA

  • Country: USA

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): This is not a circular bench. This is a regular bench located on a round raised platform:

It looks like there used to be a tree there, similar to another tree in another round raised platform nearby:

Now the tree by the bench is gone, and only the bench is left. There’s nothing special about this bench. Please remove the wayspot.

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We took another look at the Wayspot in question and decided that it does not meet our criteria for removal at this time.

This generic boring bench stays in while the completely valid trail marker your support team went out of their way to remove has to go? These are some really questionable decisions being made.

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Oh wow. Yup. Trail markers are not good wayspots anymore. I have a bunch in a rural area I nominated. Big gaps out there and so many awesome trails. Many were denied by AI. I was going to appeal them, but thinking now probably not a great idea. Maybe resubmit and hope AI doesn’t review them.

Sitting on this bench will make you stand out at the park. I wonder if people use it?!

@NianticLC Can it at least be renamed to “Rectangular Bench on a Circular Platform”? :laughing:

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Better put an edit for the title in and then likely use an appeal for it :upside_down_face:

I was gonna do just that in a little bit :grin:

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