- Wayspot Title: Hilldale Ave. Little Free Library
- Location (lat/lon): 37.897557,-122.264882
- City: Berkeley, CA
- Country: US
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
- Additional Information (if any):
I believe that this falls afoul of this portion of the clarification:
Since the door of the LFL faces the driveway, then visitors obstruct the entrance.
Here I take “visitors” to mean actual users of the LFL, not players of any Niantic games. I make that interpretation because, a few lines above that, the clarification states:
It faces the sidewalk, does not block access to the driveway, and also allows users to gather in a safe place.
So, it seems correct, to me anyway, that “users” and “visitors” are being used as synonyms here, and refer to people using the LFL for its intended purpose.
If this interpretation is not correct, I would request that the clarification be updated for additional clarity.