Investigation about VPS being affected

The VPS investigation is being affected by the removal of valid portals. Users and developers are seeing their portals disappear from their work sites, so now they must take their computers, walk to another portal and do tests. Users who are testing apps including the beta version of the Wayfarer app are also being affected by this deletion of valid portals, approved by the community and with sufficient quality scans. Niantic delegated to the community the review and approval of portals with a process that involves the vote of several why it accepts that a single player who is not in the portal area has the power to delete a portal. As proof that the portal is invalid, there should be a process similar to that of proposing it: from the center of the portal in range, send photos and 360 scans to attest that it is invalid. For a more stable network portal is my request


I hope that in an world scanned all portal are valid if meet with portal requirements. Update of portals should be managed as event periodically with an badge from bronze to onix. My proposal follows an answer from Niantic about a request to delete a portal with a photo showing bad words: Niantic wrote “go to the portal, take a picture and send it using the app and Niantic made the update.”


If you are an 8th Wall developer, this is not the place where you should be discussing this. You should have someone assigned to your developer account who can assist with this. There are Provisional wayspots that are designed to do exactly what you are talking about for testing purposes that will not go live in any of the active games.

Any wayspot that goes live on the Lightship map should be available to the active games for ingestion based on their inclusion rules. Those are all liable to editing and removal according to general Wayfarer rules.


Let me see the rules about this forum and will do a replay to your comments. There is not solution yet.

I can put anything post related to Wayfarer, I can start a discussion about the process of deleting valid portal and how this action going into other process, I’m respecting the ideas, opinions and contributing to the Wayfarer process. Therefore I requesting you to allow this discussion as I am complying with the FAQ about behavior within of forum. I want to heard someone with your ideas, opinions, and if being affected with the deletion of valid portal in other apps. Please approve this discussion.

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if a valid wayspot has been removed, you can appeal that decision on these same forums and ask that it be restored. if you’re not willing to do that then your these posts aren’t really on topic here.

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@cnelwekurtz We remove Wayspots only when we have conclusive evidence that they violate our policies. As @tehstone mentioned, if you wish to appeal any removal, you can do so in the Wayspot Appeals category.

Please be receptive to and respectful of other perspectives when engaging on the forum. For more information, read our FAQ.