Is that an edit or repurposing?

Today I came along a wayspot which has only one, “bad” photo (to dark). My wayfarer heart told me to add quick a better one.
I open the pokestopp and see the title “Bolzplatz” that’s a slangish german term for football/soccer field - very generic, at this point no problem.
I saw the description and it says something about this wonderful ash court. BUT what I saw in realty was a “Kunstrasenplatz” (fake grass? I couldn’t find a good english term and hope you understand).
Now I am complete unsure what to do?
Edit the description first?
Send in a current, nicer photo first/only?
I’d probablly let it how it is, but this spot annoys me for a long time as I receive regulary postcards (pogo) from it, or send them by myselve.

What do you think?
(Please Niantic enlarge my comment field :pray:)

We typically call fake grass in English artificial or Astro turf, or just turf. Couldn’t tell you how many times I have watched games on TV here and someone wonders whether they are playing on grass or turf, with grass being real and turf being fake.

Astro turf comes from it being used in the first indoor baseball stadium in the US, the Astrodome in Houston, TX; since it’s no longer used as a sports stadium though, artificial turf or just turf is more common. Kunstrasenplatz does translate to artificial turf pitch in English, BTW.

So, is this still used as a football/soccer field? It seems as though it may have been a sand field at one time, then artificial turf was installed, but it’s still a sports field.

If this is the case, I would try to update the photo first, and once approved, request for the bad photo to be removed, then edit the description after the bad photo has been removed.

My translate suggests fake grass was a good way to say it :blush:

I would probably just add a new nicer picture and get people to help upvote it by sending them gifts in Go where they can go through and upvote the new picture so that it appears on the stop - or if the original is so dark that its really bad and removal worthy then ask for the removal and dont worry about the upvotes

I dont think the title sounds inaccurate so I would be tempted to leave it and just fix the image but you could also add more information, or you could edit the description, leaving what is currently there but adding what it is like now as well as how it used to be?

I dont think its repurposing since it sounds like a space to play ball games, both before and now?

Ich würde erstmal das Foto hochladen und weiter editieren, wenn es durch ist. Sonst wird jeder weitere Edit nur sehr verwirrend

Ok. Bisher drei Stimmen und alle sind für editieren. Das nimmt mir schon mal die Sorge, ob es als missbräuchlich gesehen werden könnte.
Ob ich das Foto allerdings als erstes einfach durch bekomme, wird jetzt die Herausforderung.
Ich habe nämlich die Sorge, dass die ML (für neuere Mitleser: machine learning) es zurückweist, weil es in der Beschreibung Ascheplatz liest und das Foto eindeutig kein Ascheplatz ist.

Dankeschön für eure schnellen Meinungen

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No offense to the ML, but I don’t think it’s that specific. It may reject things, but I don’t think it compares the words to the photo.

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We will see. I’ll post an update how it works for our HL (human learning) :grin: