Bonjour l’équipe ,
J’ai récemment créé un pokestop qui a été accepté mais n’apparaît pas dans pokemon go . Quelle en ai la eauson s’il vous plaît ?
Bonjour l’équipe ,
J’ai récemment créé un pokestop qui a été accepté mais n’apparaît pas dans pokemon go . Quelle en ai la eauson s’il vous plaît ?
Hello and welcome @meuls01
It can take 48 hours for it to appear oIn the game.
Although the impression you are given when you submit something is that you are submitting to be a pokestop the reality is that you are submitting something with the potential to be a pokestop.
Once your nomination is approved, it is accepted into the Lightship database - this holds all approved wayspots and is separate from all Niantic games. That is the end point of wayfarer, and what happens next is not related to wayfarer.
Each game sets its own rules as to what it will take from the database to use in that particular game.
For Pokémon Go the rules revolve around the use of some mapping software commonly referred to as S2 cells. This article has a good explanation.
If you are comfortable to tell us the name of the wayspot and the location- co ordinates work well we will have a look and see if there is an issue.