Location edit over 10m not being accepted by Help Chat - Please Read

Almost all of mine that get submitted around the same time get resolved at the same time. I submitted multiple edits for the same Wayspots during the challenge, and in the last few days, all of the edits for the same Wayspot are getting resolved at the same time, and I get the emails for them within seconds of each other.

I have only one suite of edits (photo/title/description) in the system at the same wayspot and they all went in voting simultaneously.

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And I just got title and description edits for the same Wayspot accepted, and the emails sent within seconds of each other.

Going into voting at the same time and even being resolved at the same time is not an indicator that they are all coupled.



Ok, so the description edit was accepted, not the title edit. I also was able to get a new photo of the new sign accepted yesterday, but the old sign is still the main photo on Lightship.

It’s an outdated photo of the former sign that once was there, but I don’t think that qualifies that photo for removal, correct? I just don’t think any title edit to something like “Century Cinema Sign” will be accepted with the currect main photo (see my original post for that one). Here’s the new one i got accepted, BTW: