Location edit over 10m not being accepted by Help Chat - Please Read

Ok, so here’s the issue. There’s a cinema, and its Wayspot is currently at the sign location, not the entrance. It has a really nice entrance with a marquee that lights up nicely at night, but the sign (or the old version of it) is the Wayspot’s main image, and my 10m or more location edit keeps getting rejected via help chat. I did submit a new photo of the entrance/marquee during the edits challenge, but it’s still in voting. Trying to get this away from Signfarer.

So, should I just want to see if the new photo gets approved, even though the entrance/marquee is visiable on Street View, or should I keep requesting a move via help chat while I wait? It could be awhile until the photo is decided upon, as well as the title/description edits I submitted.

Here’s the Wayspot in question, BTW:

Current photo and location (46.866870999999996, -96.84618599999999):

Correct location is about 50m away at 46.86716258827736, -96.84669098345825, and here’s the Street View:

Unfortunately, I’m having some computer issues right now, so I don’t have the ticket numbers anymore.

Thanks in advance!

Please reread my post. This has been done twice.

In the past I would have continued to resubmit it, pointing out more and more reasons each go no matter how obvious that the more accurate place to represent the “Century 10 Extreme Screen” is at the entrance.

Now however, I would be concerned that moving a pin with a photo of a sign away from the sign would be seen as abuse. And recent events have me worried that submitting a photo of a different sign than the approved one would be seen as abuse. So I would not pursue this move at all.

If your photo is accepted and you get it to be the Wayspot photo, possibly try the move then.

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I don’t think it’s being seen so much as abuse, just that they think the Wayspot is for the sign, not the cinema. Even the name is incorrect, and it’s not the largest screen in the city, as the other cinema has the same Ultrascreen DLX (what they’re called now). This is a Wayspot that needs the edits badly, as they are extremely out-of-date.

I also wonder if staff fully understands that we should be trying to get away from using signs in the main photos if the POI itself can be good subject matter for the photo (in this case, yes). I really don’t see people meeting up at the sign, but there are always plenty of people passing through the entrance.

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I dont see anything wrong with the waypoint pinned at the current location. It is a completely valid and accurate location.


I see this point. I also understand wanting to actually be at the Wayspot when you are at the Cinema instead of in the parking lot. But my guess is Niantic’s viewpoint more closely matches yours, and is part of why I said:


I think most in the area today would prefer it to be on the cinema building itself than the sign, as we are having our 1st snowstorm of the season. It’s not nice outside at all, windy with lots of blowing snow. And roads and sidewalks are quite slick.

I know others have been pushing for Wayfarer to get away from using signs as the main Wayspots for places. I actually get a lot of nominations using the signs as the main photo and main location in review, and, if I can, move the location to the actual POI. Now, this can cause people to then nominate the sign over and over again, but the POI has a Wayspot on the POI, not the sign.

In my opinion, the sign is not a great location for this Wayspot, especially since the cinema has a very nice entrance with a marquee that even has the name of the cinema on it.

I am hoping my edits and photos get approvef, but knowing how some here view more in-depth edits, my hopes aren’t high. I’m actually glad a description I submitted for a gazebo outside a hotel was accepted by Niantic, as the previous description was just “Rest,” and someone suggested “Resting area” during the challenge. I’d like a little more description.

The people submitting a waypoint at the sign has every right to do so according to current criteria. You shouldnt be moving a pin in review unless the pin is not accurate or in an allowed area.



Spmetimes I wonder why I even ask…

My photo submission was just rejected, and I really don’t think the sign should be the main Wayspot for the cinema, nor should it be the main photo. Besides, that’s not even the sign that’s out front anymore.

I wanted to take one while the marquee was lit at night.

I really like that photo, too (was just talking about nighttime photos the other day).

Can you nominate it separate?

So should the sign just be removed from Wayfarer?

I get wanting to move it. I’m not happy with how churches & church signs get handled and this feels similar. They aren’t really duplicates but adding photos/swapping them around feels iffy.


Thank you! I’m getting a little tired of Signfarer myself! There is someone in a nearby town that keeps nominating church signs, even though the churches already have Wayspots. I’ve reported them, as they keep trying to get Wayspots for generic things at the churches, like signs, entrances, indistinct crosses on the outside of the building, etc.

The thing is, I haven’t gotten decisions yet on the title and description edits, which also are inaccurate. It was called Century 10 Cinema in the past, but after they added the Ultrascreen, it was changed to just Century Cinema.

For context, the other cinema in our city is West Acres Cinema. It doesn’t have a separate sign out front, and the Wayspot is at the entrance. The main photo in Lightship is also the front of the building. I didn’t submit any edits for it, as I thought it was pretty up-to-date (was West Acres 14 in the past, but again, once the Ultrascreen was added, changed to just West Acres Cinema).

I can certainly try to nominate the cinema separately, but if the title edit is accepted, it could get rejected as a duplicate. I could title it Marcus Century Cinema (Marcus is the chain, like AMC or Cinemark), but it could still get rejected.

There seems to be something a bit weird about how this sort of situation is handled.

Is a sign a point of interest, or is it a proxy for something else. If the sign is removed, but the something else remains, should the pin move to the permanent object or should the sign POI be removed from Wayfarer?

Does the original nominator get free reign to decide all this, or are we all free to reinterpret and re-edit the map, or does Niantic just get to make up and assert whatever they feel like, including punishing us over matters of opinion?

Does the title or description have to explain that a sign or other object is a proxy? If this is only explained in the supplemental info, it is a secret that only the originator and Niantic have access to after approval…


I wouldn’t attempt to nominate the cinema separately, the sign serves as the anchor for the cinema and is a valid wayspot. Having a Wayspot for the building and the sign feels like double dipping. The sign isn’t the attraction, the cinema is.

While the sign being the location of the Wayspot isn’t ideal, it’s valid, which is probably why the move keeps getting rejected. I’ve seen many people attempt to move a Wayspot to a “more ideal” location, and I’ve yet to see a single person succeed.

You might be stuck with this one staying the way it is.


I’m not trying to move it to be “more ideal” to play, I’m trying to move it to be more accurate to what the POI is: a cinema, not a sign for a cinema. I don’t think the sign should be the Wayspot for the cinema, nor should the Wayspot be located at the sign. Signfaring is getting way out of hand at times.

Besides, this isn’t like a shopping plaza/center, where you can nominate the sign to be the main Wayspot if there isn’t anything else there that meets criteria. It isn’t a park with multiple POIs, so the sign is typically the best POI for the entire park.

This cinema has a marquee, and that marquee is at the entrance to the lobby. It’s a lobby that’s open to the public, and doesn’t disrupt the movie-going process, so players who have no issues playing there.

I’m not going to tag any staff, but I hope one can clarify this. I mean, the church that had their sign as the main photo but the pin was on the actual church for the Wayspot, I was able to get that sign photo removed. There were other photos of the front of the church already, and I was able to submit another.

I get all that, and I agree with you… but that’s the thing, it’s my experience that Niantic doesn’t care. The current pin placement is valid, that’s all that matters to them.

Maybe they’ll see this and do you a solid, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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Just adding on here for convenience.

I see the sign v actual building as something that predominantly happens in the USA ( and Canada???)
I have always been baffled by it. It doesn’t really happen much in U.K.

If this was in the U.K. and I was reviewing a location edit I would be likely to choose the building as the best location. I have no way on the review screen of knowing which is current. If the title and description (as shown above ) are about the cinema and therefore the building, I would regard the photo as anachronistic. I have no way on the review screen of seeing if there is another more relevant photo.
I would be seeing that a location, a title, a description all appear to match up in a sensible way with an odd photo showing.
If I was basing things purely on what I see in the review screen I may even be thinking that someone has added a photo of a sign and is attempting to move the location away from the building.

I think this all looks very unhelpful from my perspective as a standard reviewer.


If youre having no luck with this pretty sensible sounding edit, I’d just go ahead and submit the cinema - especially due to the very different look and different branding

My reasoning for this is that Niantic clearly told you with these actions that the sign is the right place for the waypoint, and its been said in the past that with sufficient distance between them, the sign and the item can be distinct nominations

Once the actual cinema becomes accepted, you can then choose to remove the sign since you mentioned it is out of date?

I love how the very simple solution of moving the waypoint from the sign to the building is denied, leading to some really convoluted options instead :sweat_smile:


I think I see it in the US more when there’s a sidewalk/pavement closer to the sign so people can spin their PokéStop without having to approach the building. I am not sure why it would be the case when the sign is in a parking lot unless people are too lazy to get out of the car, which certainly could be the case.

As someone rightly said the US is a car culture certainly not a walking culture in most places.


Back when I was involved in a local community I remember some people got very angry about gyms in parks vs gyms they could drive past :sweat_smile::laughing:

So not only US, but I would say its a bigger issue there vs here where a lot of people do walk