Hi, I apply for location change because of mostly area of gym are on car parking area
just for move from red point to green arrow from picture to make gym are more coverage by community park, but reject criteria is Abuse.
I can accept "reject’ result but i want to explain why I want to move this gym.
from the picture
- existing wayspot is on the road… marked with red heart then i want to move to more green space marked with green flag
- wayspot name is remraam community Gazebo which should be on the blue circle, but picture is showing restaurant which already closed for 2-3 years ago (yellow circle) then wayspot is already incorrect event with the name “remraam community gazebo” or with the picture from closed restaurent
- I’m OK with ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ this location edit , but not ok with “abuse” reason. for me with the new or old locaiton I still have to walk to the park… just only have more area to sit in the park not on the road…
- thank you for your understand
Welcome to the forum @HiddenMoon232
Don’t be concerned about that sentence if you are not actually trying to commit abuse. It is just something the reviewer copies and pastes when they reject a location edit.
I don’t quite follow your list there, but I agree that a Wayspot should definitely not be in the road.
You can ask help chat to remove the photo of the restaurant from the gazebo Wayspot. You access help chat from the help menu of the Wayfarer site Niantic Wayfarer, and I believe the category for photo help is under the Abuse heading.
Thank you for trying to keep the games accurate and safe.
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Hello and welcome @HiddenMoon232
This sounds as though it has become very messy over time and needs unpicking.
The title and photo dont match and it may be that there has been an edit on this wayspot.
I think the best way forward is to request deletion of this wayspot. Get some current pictures to show the restaurant is not there.
You can submit a nomination for the Gazebo on the opposite side of the water next to the tennis courts. Perhaps to make the difference clear you could reference the tennis courts.
You should then have removed the one that is wrong and put in a correct one in the correct place.
I will agree with you @elijustrying that this indeed has become messy over time just trying to follow the original posters list of explanations was a little confusing however @HiddenMoon232 you have the right people trying to “unpick” this mess correctly.
Welcome to the community as well,we can offer advice on how to correct things before calling in some of the behind the scenes magicians if we need to.
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Thank you for suggestion. I thinking about request to remove the wayspot but they’re only 1 pokemon gym near the big park area, another 2 gym are mostly like the private gym for some building in the community and have to cross the road from the main park to reach them… If this gym removed and new gym coming to the same area then it will not good for the player nearby. then i will keep it as it is but i may request to change the photo of gym to the community gazebo photo.