Memorial Benches/Signs/Statues auto-removal

the story is the key!

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I do agree that the word “memorial” doesn’t mean something is ineligible. I have submitted some POIs that are memorials to different wars, such as WWI, that are in public plazas and not at all at a sensitive location like a cemetery/graveyard. I’ve updated information at other Wayspots that are memorials to the people that are of importance to the area, such as a plaque for a local aviator that helped to expand the airport from a regional one to an international one. One of the hospitals in my city has a memorial statue of the hospital founder near the main entrance and a seating area.

Now, with memorial benches/trees, these are typically bought by friends/famility in public places, such as parks, but most submissions don’t offer any context as to why the person or people were of importance to the area. Many times it was a bench purchased by family to memorialize a loved one, but they had no role in the local area. Most personalized memorial POIs are submitted with very little context, and all that might be found online in a search is an obituary noting they lived in the area and not much else.

I will say I have been tempted to submit POIs for memorial trees at a nearby church. All I really know is that they were planted at the church in memorial of a former church member. I don’t know the extent of their involvement with said church; for all I know, they may have just attended church on a regular basis, helped out during mass, or donated on a regular basis. Because I don’t know the full extent, I haven’t submitted these trees. Instead, I have found a few other things to submit at said church, including some statues and a community center where church and local events take place.

So, like others have said before, it’s the context of a submission with the word “memorial” in it that’s important, as well as all other criteria.