Metal dragonfly sculpture

Is this a good candidate for a stop?

“Metal Dragonfly in the Tree – A Tribute to Nature”

A beautifully crafted metal figure of a dragonfly perched on the trunk of a tree. This artwork combines the beauty of nature with human creativity and serves as a whimsical detail in the public space. Easily accessible to anyone exploring the area.


Most likely not on its own merits. A quick Google Lens search shows these are easily available for purchase, and easy to quickly mount and then remove.

It could possibly make a visual anchor for an eligible space like a neighborhood park. But would need to show more than just the sculpture.


It is in a green area, and there are several different animals around the area

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Is there an online article about why these have been put in place?

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No, unfortunately, it is something the landowner has to do to ensure nature and animals in the area. and then he has set up different animals in the area as if to go on a treasure hunt. fun for kids

Is this SFPRP (single family private residential property)? If it is then there is no scenario where this could be eligible. Even if they allow kids on their property.

wrong word to use. :smile: don’t know what the english word is for it.
But there are around 200 homes and they own and control the land and they have agreed to set up animals in the local area

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This sounds a good community project.
It also has potential to go into the games and offer another aspect to exploring the area.
But to do all that it will really need to be formalised. So a trail along with information. If there is some sort of webpages etc that this community use then that could be the reference point. I think without that formalisation it will be hard.

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