Micro moves being abused in Ingress to prevent linkability

You guys really need to fine a solution fast to this because these can be done 100% remotely. When its done the portal can no longer be linked to.

Mod note: removed mention of Ingress factions.

Micro moves no longer break links.

Breaking links is no longer the problem, the problem is the portals own inbound links are blocking it now

If the move is accurate, then there is nothing to discuss as far as Wayfarer goes. If inaccurate moves are being pushed through, possibly use the Reporting Abuse form linked at the top here.


That’s a poor response, for large objects there can be several correct locations.

oops i dashed that off quickly as i was trying to do something else. i truly want to welcome you to the forum, and hope we can help you with any wayfarer issues. we see so many ingress-faction-wars posts, that i tend to react negatively when i see something about the other team. if it is abuse, we all want to get that stopped.

moving pins that are already correctly located has been called out to be abuse. please use the abuse report link if this is what is happening.


Here’s the problem. Ingress has portals that are linked together and haven’t been visited in years and may even be owned by Niantic Section 14, and are most likely off by a few meters.

Want to prevent being able to link to them? Just submit a valid move request duh!

For example this ones off by a few meters.

Judging where the links go to and where the location of the Wayspot is now (I can’t see it on the intel map, but it is on the geospatial browser), the old location was not on the actual lighthouse whilst the new location is on the lighthouse. So therefore the old one could be considered less correct.


To clarify what @cyndiepooh and @hankwolfman are saying I’d like to share an example.

Consider a sports field like a tennis court. Obviously this is not a small area. So in general anything here could be considered for the pin point. But Niantic has indicated that there are preferred spots to choose. So a pin on a sport field should not be in the field of play, so along the sideline. And Niantic has also advised that the natural point of entry is preferred. So the entrance gate to the tennis court would be what I would select.

Now for something that already has a pin, you should only suggest an update if it improves the location. Not an equally good location. Not something close but in another cell.


The unbroken links only block until they’re dropped, no link is permanent.


Ah yes, what a fantastically balanced take. Not. Luckily kpapa is locked from moves but if that portal was micro moved like this I can assure you there would be hellfire like no other.

Please remain respectful and don’t attack each response you get.

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I am level 16 in Ingress. @Tehstone actually enjoys Ingress and really understands it. If your issue is that Machina links are blocking access, that is something to discuss in Ingress communities. I find that Machina portals go down easily and aren’t an issue.

There is nothing wrong from a Wayfarer standpoint with submitting a location edit remotely, and as you can tell from Niantic having the current edits challenge, correcting locations is encouraged. The location edits can even be submitted through Help Chat, without having to access Ingress at all.


Thanks, but I don’t need a seat. I see what you’re trying to do, but theres ways to go about it, being rude to the whole forum isn’t the way.


Cool, I’ll be sure to bring Vanguards into this when it happens to a high profile portal and you can watch the fallout.

Vanguards are no longer a thing though? I’m confused

Effective 15 April 2024, both the Vanguard and XMA programs will be retired in their current form and we will relaunch a new, unified Player Ambassador program before the end of 2024.

I know a few have stuck around to help with the transition but they’re basically dissolved.


I wish you luck in your endeavors.

The voting system for moves seems to have some secret sauce involved… if it was merely a case of a new location B getting more votes than original location A then there’d be a 50/50 chance of getting a wayspot moved. In my experience it is very difficult to move a wayspot, so location B must meet some higher threshold for acceptance.

That having been said, I have seen portal moves that strongly favour one faction, but where nonetheless the portal location is still accurate for such a large POI.

Yes. If location A is correct while location B is also correct, the direction from Niantic is to leave the pin where it is. (The exception being for something like moving the portal off the field of play like LetsRollGirl mentioned above.)