Is this to close to children day care?
Its on public space and not on property of daycare.
Is this to close to children day care?
Its on public space and not on property of daycare.
This does appear to be on the day care property to me, but I admit that I do not see property lines on the map. I would reject from an abundance of caution around anything K-12 related.
In the UK I’d be fine with that
Yes thats what most people do they see children day care and press the button but lt its definitely not on daycare ground if you zoom in, and parking space is public and not off the day care. Going to be a hard one for getting accepted i think thanks for you awnsers
And this one that point ad parking space, is also not good ? Or is parking space diffrent then road?
193 Middenmolendijk
I would submit and accept this one. (The stairs indicate this is pedestrian friendly.)
I would advise against it. This is in all probability on the property of the day care. If you look at the garden the object is located in, it surround the day care and is clearly managed by them. Moreover, it is at the main entrance to the day care.
I would agree. It appears that this is a Day Centre of some sort. Some Free Libraries are ok, but this I would struggle with.
the mini libary is indeed maintained by the day care, and i will look for something else in that area. Thanks
It wouldn’t be that uncommon for this to be maintained by the local council and part of the public highway in the UK
It is also maintained by the local counsil, All public grass plants tree’s
Was curious and looked what kind of books where inside historische books bibles and information books, thrillers, not one children book
Think the retirement buiding next to it whit all the old people will use it probally a lot more!
when then remove the building that is temporary. And look like this again.
Children till 4 years old can not even use the mini-library its to high and then dont have acces to it. And mostly adult and historical
books are inside.
And the parking space is from the seniors building always have bin and is never maintained by the daycare.
Maintained by government.
Its all government property, and its also not maintained by the daycare and the garden is parking space for the retirement home
Look’s good
@Mystogan5097 want more i can add to it
Its placed in public space for everyone to use that walks by, if that was not the intention, they could have place it in the garden from the daycare
How does it prove that the library is not a part of the kindergarten apart from you saying it?
Its al parking space from the retirement home. And public sidewalk.
So everyone can make use of the mini libary.
And if you look on the map you see it belongs to the government, they sidewalk and plants area where the mini libary stand in
Same public space as the playground i markerd red
There is no information to be found who the owners is, because its a public mini libary.
Again, that’s not proof. That’s your interpretation. Even if the library is accessible from the sidewalk, it seems to be on the property of the kindergarten. You will need something concrete for it to be overturned.
The building right next to it is the kindergarten. The garden where the lfl is located extends all the way upto the kindergarten. Moreover, it is situated on the only entrance to the kindergarten on the same property.
But its not the garden from the kindergarten.
Or on the property from the daycare. Or on the boundaries.