Misplaced Wayspots

We have an Explorer in my area that had a church in a different state approved and placed in front of his house, he has a historical marker a playground and has now found a trail sign from way north several states away , all approved and placed in front of his house on rural road where there is nothing but fields and moble homes. What can you do?

Mod Edit: replaced the faction specific inappropriate word with Explorer

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At the top of the forum there’s a link for reporting abuse. You can use that to report the wayspots and submitter in question if they’ve been falsifying things.


Do not use terms like smurf here. A person’s faction or team affliation has no bearing on Wayfarer.


Soo sorry I’m new a wasn’t aware

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It sounds like there may be a voting ring approving this fake wayspots, definitely report it…

I’m not sure I know how to report it

You should see a “Reporting Abuse” link at the top of the community screen.

Is it anonymous?

No, but it goes directly to the Wayfarer team. No one else sees it.

We had a similar situation here (although not from an Ingress agent) and the Reporting Abuse form worked great. It’s so nice to be able to report in full those known details, like the true location of the source, to ensure that only evidence-based action is taken.

What if he has friends there?

What is that supposed to mean?

I don’t know anything about wayfarer so I don’t know if he has friends there and I don’t care to have him know if i did this. I have no idea how he would react

You think your friend knows people who work at Niantic on the Wayfarer Team? This makes no sense to me.

Oh, I have no idea. I don’t know how this works or anything about wayfarer

Hi @tutti, I moved your comments to a new thread to better separate your support from the intent of the original post from the previous thread.

Please do ask if you have specific concerns, but rest assured your reports can be made anonymously and may be handled professionally by Niantic.

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