I live in Indonesia and so far, I’ve been getting multiple wayspot nomination reviews for Mosques inside K12 and under school / Ma’had(Boarding Schools) property lines, or is part of said School but outside its fence and/or is open to public. These things are pretty common in the country so I’d assume I’ll encounter more nominations reviews like these going forward.
That said, I’m still unsure on how to go about these reviews since I’ve seen some of these Wayspot up in-game at times (For example: these 6 wayspots inside the property line of Assalaam Boarding school in this Ingress map), since Mosques and such are eligible for nomination and all, and judging by that, I feel like there’s like there’s some opinion differences among the local Wayfinders in my area.
And if I happen to want to Reject a nomination for being inside a school property, How do I go about doing it on a Nomination that vaguely might not seem to be part of a school (eg: a gate or monument of a “Pondok Pesantren” (Boarding School, Generally K12 and Under)) but is obvious in hindsight, since if I were to reject it for being in a school it doesn’t let me add a Note to add context for Niantic reviewers.
I’m very sorry if the answer happened to be very obvious and thank you for the answers! I’ll refer to this post going forward whenever I’d encounter more of said nominations.