On the 15th i had my Nothe Bridge Waypoint accepted/ approved as a way point but it hasnt shown up in Pokemon Go? Theres only 2 pokestops nearby and this one I hoped would turn into a gym as its a bridge and ideal location for one. I understand that when you suggest a pokestop in the app you’re actually suggesting across all of niantic games but surely if its been done via the app it will show up in said app when its been approved?
I just feel really disheartned as quite alot of mine have been rejected even a big Malthouse next door to me ive even added websites talking of its vital history in my area as i live in an old brewery part of town. If any admin could please help I would really apprecite the Malthouses ive nominated be looked at/ accepted as they make lovely waypoints and also great for history buffs and those looking to go out and explore the local area.
I just hope that things can change going forward. Pokemon is what a lot of people are hoping for with their time consuming nominations and exam like wording and criteria. We want reasons to go explore not constant rejection. Ive seen some people nominate a bench… i get it, its a place to meet and explore but so are historical buildings/locations that had purpose and website wikis dedicated to keeping its history and past alive. As an avid PG user i love collevting postcards /wayspots and seeing some info and learning more of the world, even if its a local bench with a plaque on it dedicated to a loved one. I hope someone can feel my pain here and relate somehow?
I just dont know how else to word “Malthouse no.3” when thats what its called feom the brewery website i linked with it. I mean it has “brewers retreat” as an adress now i dunno if thats allowed but also i wish it to be known as a malthouse. I feel not many know what a malthouse is or was. Like, vital for brewerys and provided a workplace in the 18-1900s. Ahhhhh. The waypoint stressors continue… (sips tea)
sadly, the way the prompt is worded is misleading, but this is not true
you can appeal the rejection. if you aren’t showing the appeal button, you may need to wait a bit. you get two appeals, each on a 20 day timer before you can use it again.
a lot of us use iitc - a map of ingress portals - with a pogotools overlay to see the cells. you can google those, or google the wayfarer discussion discord server if you need help with installing/using them.
have you posted your rejected nomination for advice?
oh, and if you post the coordinates for
someone who has that set up can show you the cells there
Is IITC an app or? Cause im on my phone when out exploring. Ive learnt a fair bit from my last post here everyone giving help and advise. Umm no, I’m not sure how/where to post that I’m using mobile Internet for this site as the wayfarer app no longer is active? Its a bit difficult I’m only just getting how to make a post like this? is it like this but choose a different topic? Id appreciate help on how to make my nomination go through to real people to review? I’m pop them here too.
This is the accepted nothe bridge one. I moved the pin to the edge of the bridge hoping not to overlap the HMS BEE plaque on the wall a bit to the left of thr bridge.
“Wayfarer criteria” indicates this was rejected by the ML (machine learning ai) model. My guess is that ML just detected the side of a random building in the main photo and rejected it. Is there a sign you can submit instead? ML gets signs better. If not, this might be a good one to appeal.
I used my appeals to quick before learning thwy “respawn” after 20 days aha! So I’m waiting. Bit, i could go retake the photos? Intried not to get cars in or people walking by, but also, it’s been rubbish weather here in Uk dark and rainy which in turn can affect the image. I think theres a tiny plaque on the wall saying “brewers retreat” but its so small if took further away you wouldnt really see the whole building and I’m trying to capture the whole thing as its quite a remarkable building its chimney vats always strike me. I actually lived nearby before it was converted into flats, it was different looking back then and bordered up doors, used to have different coloured bricks and windows, etc. I may just have to give it a new title and maybe try different photos?
Oh that really sucks. Its a wasted nomination then no point being accepted if can’t be used anywhere. I apprealed that and stressed iver it so much. That’s not fair tbh. Such a shame you can’t have i teresting waypoints closer together. The plaque isnt on the actual bridge its further down was hoping this meant wouldnt be in same cell
Ahhhhh nooo if only it could fit right on the edge?! You can see its entirety in the satelite version. Owhhhh. This makea me really sad. Was hoping for a gym/new spinny spot. I wish i could move the pin like a mini inch on the edge
i am going to leave this to the UK folks, but imo the supporting photo might do better as a main photo if there is no sign. you would need to crop the photo so that the license plate is not showing. i don’t think the title is causing the rejection.
So it’s going to have people staying in it, including the owner I would imagine during months where these don’t get booked up. Personally I wouldn’t nominate it in this case.
No owner lives in it its apartments/condo amd some are bought by a local holiday home place but all around is public access i mean people don’t have to go inside but i get your point.
Just on this. I understand that for Pokémon GO you have a wide range to be able to spin things from, for Ingress you benefit from being right on the Wayspot for attacking it.
The life of a wayfinder is full of ups and downs.
We have all been there.
The bridge might now appear as a powerspot we don’t know how all of that is working.
So some good may come out of it.
Take a deep breath, and get out there in the rain
Seriously there will be Some dry days in which to take photos.
Are there any signs for the SW footpath?
Certainly the area around Brewers quay already has a lot of wayspots.
The Maltings place should be ok there are at least 4 flats in there. And very large bins. Clearly not a single family residence.
I wouldn’t describe it as a factory it’s a malt house. They are vents at the top because part of the process requires a flow of air across the malting floor.
I wonder if you can get a good angle from the side for a photo
If you go to the the side road you might get a nice angle that gets in the vents. But has the lovely local stone dominating. I would definately prefer the building over the sign.
It might not feel it but you are doing well, and you are learning a lot.
Yes, this is exactly what i mean, to be able to see its profile in its entirety, and it’s got many apartments inside with different entrances. I’ll try to get a photo like this and not describe it as a factory. Im still learning wording descriptions as i don’t wanna write lots or be too wordy. I’m trying to build up the area behind the Brewers Quay as that’s where some cool things are. The Quay area itself is pretty packed out.
In regards to the SW footpath no not that ive seen, i tried to take a further away bridge one outside of the cell that’s got the other one in and right on the edge actually on top of the bridge at the base of the SW footpath but we shall see. It’s definitely a big learning curve. Thanks for the tips!
Personally, the more information I see there, the more interesting the Wayspot is to me. What I like to do is write minimal acceptable text to submit, then use my computer to fill in more information by editing from my contributions page. I don’t use placeholder text gibberish so that my nomination could stand as is if I somehow don’t get a chance to edit it before it goes into voting.