Finally I received 3 reward codes for Ingress. But it seems Community Tier 3 Rewards did not contain rare kinetic capsule.
I only got 3 kinetic capsules from Individual Tier 3 Rewards code.
Does anyone have similar case?
My rewards email was delivered on Nov 26 0:27 UTC.
TBH, the only reward I paid attention to was the OPR Live tick. I can’t tell you what I got besides that.
same issue.
only 3 received and not 4
[added link to rewards, it says 3+1]
Global Edits Challenge! - News & Announcements - Niantic Wayfarer Community
It is only 3 capsules for Tier 3 individual:
Now, there is 1 for community Tier 3 rewards, which we did reach, but comes from a separate code.
So, you get 1 for Tier 3 community rewards, and, if you reached Tier 3 for individual, you get another 3. The 4th is in the community rewards code, not the individual rewards code.
I’m a PoGo only Wayfarer, and I’m saving my Community rewards for the next Community Day in December, so I haven’t used it yet. I did get the Community ML and Individual rewards correctly though.
Same here, I received my rewards email today and claimed them this afternoon. 3 capsules for individual rewards, none for community.
I took screenshots because I remembered reading about some issue, but couldn’t remember what it was.
Good job @mattiec741.
I will take screenshots next time.
Hello Explorers,
Thank you for sharing your experience with the Ingress Rewards. I’ll be sure to look into this and share it with the Ingress team. Once we get to the bottom of it, I’ll reach back out.
I also did not receive my kinetic capsule in the tier 3 community awards.
Thanks for looking into this
This is a known issue, as Tintino noted above. They haven’t gotten back to anyone yet as to if there is a resolution of not. Please wait until the issue has been resolved.
thank you for sharing the evidence. i did not pay attention when i redeemed my codes (except for the opr live tick)
@NianticTintino any update about this case?
Please be patient with this. Right now, there’s an issue with ML not accepting or rejecting new Wayspot nominations, so that’s going to take priority over this.
I dont think thays a fair statement to make, theres several Niantic employees that habdle different things, both cam ne addressed without one taking priority over the other. What could be said is the US is coming back from a major holiday week, so hopefully the team settled back in quickly this week and we can get an update soon.
It’s 1 capsule, and every Ingress player that participated is waiting. Only Thursday was a holiday; most businesses were open again on Friday. I’ve had to work the Friday after Thanksgiving many times, so it’s unfair to assume that it was a long weekend for everyone, as it isn’t.
So many do not have enough patience these days when it comes to something small. I would consider this small in the wider view of everything that needs to be worked on.
Tagging on here
What we know is what has been acknowledged
It has been escalated to the appropriate team that can address it.
All those affected need to be patient and I’m sure once something is known there will be a post.
Hey @DTrain2002 !
Voy a contestar en mi idioma natal para tratar de evitar malinterpretaciones con mi traducciĂłn.
Creo que no es correcto asumir que el “problema con ML” vaya a tomar toda la prioridad sobre este problema. Ambos son problemas completamente diferentes y tienen un equipo lo suficientemente grande como para tratar ambos a la vez, sin necesidad de dar más importancia a uno que al otro. No todo el equipo necesita trabajar en el mismo problema a la vez.
Por otra parte, hacer afirmaciones como “so that’s going to take priority over this” no considero que sea correcto. Hay muchas personas que vienen por primera vez al foro y si leen esto pueden creer de verdad que dicha afirmación sea la realidad, cuando no es asà pues el equipo no ha afirmado en ningún momento que vayan a dejar de lado este problema por el otro. Lo que se termina proporcionando es una información incorrecta, por muy buena intención que pueda haber detrás del comentario.
En relaciĂłn con el comentario de arriba, es posible que tu experiencia personal haya sido diferente, pero como comentas, tambiĂ©n serĂa injusto asumir que todo el mundo ha tenido que volver a trabajar al dĂa siguiente de Thanksgiving.
Con este comentario lo que siento es que se está despreciando las preocupaciones de todas las personas que han acudido al foro a avisar de este problema. Hay muchas personas posiblemente que no sepan apenas lo que es Wayfarer y no estĂ©n al tanto de sus novedades y problemas. Para algunos quizás sea una preocupaciĂłn mayor no recibir su cápsula que el hecho de que ML no estĂ© revisando nominaciones. Debemos ser amables con todas las personas que acuden al foro a tratar de informarse, no veo la necesidad de decir que la gente no tiene paciencia estos dĂas con problemas tan pequeños. Asumo de manera personal que si tĂş tuvieses un problema que consideras importante y fueses a preguntar a un lugar pĂşblico lo que menos te gustarĂa es que una persona desconocida te dijese que tu problema no tiene importancia y que hay cosas más importantes, que eres alguien impaciente.
En todo caso lo que deberĂamos de informar a todos estos nuevos usuarios es el hecho de que US tuvo una fiesta importante la semana pasada y que lo más probable es que el equipo vuelva a ponerse al dĂa a lo largo de esta semana. Avisarles que sus reportes estarán siendo anotados por el equipo y que prĂłximamente oirán alguna actualizaciĂłn sobre este problema.
Friday was a holiday at my company and is for many “office job” types. very safe to assume the US portion of the team was off at least four days.
[quote=“DTrain2002, post:14, topic:61948”]
Only Thursday was a holiday; most businesses were open again on Friday.[/quote]
Just FYI, according to Niantic’s own website (benefits section), the office is closed on both Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving.
1st, the person who asked isn’t new. I’ve seen them around the forums.
2nd, why are people getting all worked up about my comments these days? Seriously people!
3rd, we all need to practice mire patience, regardless of the matter. We’ve become a world where we expect results quickly instead of being patient with one another.
4th, just because an office is closed for both Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving doesn’t mean they are closed. There could be some working remotely.
Again, it’s 1 capsule for Ingress awards. ML not working affects Ingress and PoGo users. If I were a part of staff, I’d say that ML does take higher priority right now, as it’s affecting more users. I’ve worked in situations like this in my past, so I’m speaking from experience.
Hello Explorers,
Thank you for your patience on the matter. We’ve worked with the Ingress team to identify the issue and will be sending out codes to impacted users starting today. These codes will contain the missing item only. All codes should be delivered no later than end of day Wednesday. If you did not receive the first code it’s more than likely you won’t get this one either so please reach out on the forum for support.
- Niantic Tintino