Need Help making nominations

Please read the clarification if you try to submit the bike route sign. I am not sure it meets criteria either:

Do check the arts organization.

The best tip I can give any Wayfarer is just what you did there. Instead of thinking “What can I submit here?” try to think “What can I find that would meet criteria?” and you will have much more success!


I do have this news source and I unfortunately I think my old post questioning its legitimacy was removed or expired, but the Cobblestone road is one of 2 or 3 left on the island dating back some hundred years. The other is by this park I goto to play tennis. Someone even went as deep on the thread to find out its not even cobblestone but something more rare (as they had prior interest in the material I suppose) but yeah just the soul fact it is a roadXsaftey is all I feel is seen thus making it a quick rejection unfortunately.

& awesome Aliccolo thank you for scouring and scouting out that local. I always feel weird with Private home/buisnesses as this could lead to unwanted attention by the owner. Which could lead to who knows what but I’m too scared to find out lmao. It does seem like a cool recommendation and also something I was un aware was in the neighborhood. Might need to check it out sometime personally!

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If it will be accepted or if it meets the criteria are unfortunately seperate issues. In my area a lot of bike lane signs have recently been accepted, even those that wouldn’t be especially safe for pedestrians. :thinking:

So looking more into the Arts Organization I do see the possibility of potential just having trouble figuring out where to start. Picture wise not sure what would phone it in, im going to look more into it but any advice would be appreciated.

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Here’s a couple more ideas that might potentially work.

Here’s a courthouse that might qualify:

There could be potential at the Rev. Dr. Maggie Howard Playground and Mini Pool. The Street View is out of date so I’m unsure what’s actually there now, but this could potentially be a great area to explore and add some Wayspots:

Here’s Christ Assembly Lutheran Church:

And there’s the Albanian Islamic Cultural Center on Victory Blvd.:


Nicee I’m going to look into them I do believe the courthouse is a gym, But I still will do some research on these recommendations! Thank you for the effort!

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Last few before I head to bed:

P2P Fitness Studio:

I checked their website and they do pole dancing and aerial fitness, and folks of all ages can participate in their classes (with an insurance waiver).

There’s a large mural on Wright Street which looks to be on a cultural center:

There’s a mural of Laila Ali at a boxing gym (which is blurred out by Google lol):

Orthodox Church of the Mother of God:

Hopefully these will be a little bit helpful! I wish you the best of luck in your further exploration! :blush:


Heck Yeah nice! I do believe some of these have been accepted! That church is my main gym actually and the Laila Ali Maaaay be a pokestop I’d have to check! but seriously Thank you so much you’ve done a lot of work here to help me out! I hope you have a great rest of your night and some much deserved pleasant sleep n dreams! Thank you again. :smiley:

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