Niantic won't help. They remove gyms, but no new ones come in their place

Near me, 2 gyms have disappeared (coordinates 52.48694, 6.11679 and 52.48616, 6.11950), but to my surprise, no gyms have come back. There are pokestops enough, for a 2nd and maybe even 3rd gym. When I raise this with niantic, I get meaningless answers like ‘the status of PokéStops and Gyms is fluid to change’ and ‘We’re constantly making improvements to Pokémon GO. Occasionally, you may notice changes to the PokéStops or Gyms in your community. While we’re unable to fulfill requests to change any PokéStops into Gyms at this time, we recognize the value of a feature such as this and hope you continue to seek out adventures at other PokéStops and Gyms in your surrounding communities. ’,. But they don’t answer why gyms are disappearing but not coming back. Niantic doesn’t really seem to want to help.
Who knows why there are no new gyms while 2 have disappeared and why niantic doesn’t want to do anything about this?

I know Niantic has been cleaning up areas where more game locations existed than should have been possible. So those gyms may never come back if they should not have ever existed.

It does look like there should be more gyms in this area than just the one I see on campfire. But this may be something you have to bring up with the Pokemon Go team. I am not sure.

How long has it been since you’ve seen the change in pokethings? It seems to take a few days when Niantic does their rebalancing.

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Agree that this is a PoGo issue, not Wayfarer. Keep in mind that PoGo just finished up with all of their big summer events, including GO Fest Global, so they may not have synced yet. It’s also possible that the gyms may not come back, as that would be PoGo’s choice, not Wayfarer.

thank you! Where can I find the pokemon go team? When I email niantic I receive meaningless answers like :“he status of PokéStops and Gyms is fluid to change”

You can find info on how to contact the PoGo team here:

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thank you, One gym has been removed two months ago en the second gym 3 weeks ago.

I swear this area had been posted about previously. It looks familiar to me. I’m not sure if it was on this forum or the old one, but I do seem to recall someone saying there was a gym missing at the time.


One of the things I marked as the 2/3 gyms at the time is now gone from intel, though it still appears in campfire at the moment.

Based purely on portal counts, the cell is still eligible for 2 gyms at this point.