Gym disappeared

We had a gym outside work that I nominated in March 2023. It was created on March 17th 2023. Today when I came to work the gym is not there. I looked at PoGoMap and it is still on there but not in the game. How come it just disappeared?

EDIT: Today the gym is a regular stop. Could that be because someone reported the gym? Should I, as nominator of the wayspot, get notified when something happens to the wayspot?

If you want help figuring it out, you would need to share more information (location, image, etc).

PoGoMap is btw not an official source of information about wayspots (it is community filled).

Hi! I know PoGoMap isn´t official but it´s the only place I can find that shows stops and cells. Perhaps you have any other suggestions :slight_smile: Coordinates for the stop is 56.531039, 14.122871 and it´s name “DC Syd Flaggor”. I am not able to upload any picture :frowning:

Just wanted to make sure that you were aware that this website might not be up to date.

This was it then I guess. It looks like flags for the IKEA, so I am not sure which of the wayfarer criteria that should meet?

That´s the one. It is flags outside IKEA Distribution center in Älmhult, SE. It have been up for 1 ½ years and now it just disappeared. I can´t remember what Wayfarer criteria i put in but it got accepted so why take it down after 1 ½ years?

Everyone can report locations on the map (through the in-game option or the abuse form linked at the top here), which then will be reviewed by a team from Niantic. That is a process that requires input from players so it is not automatic. In this case I would not advice to resubmit it as it does not look like a location that promotes exercise, being social or exploring.


Hi, sorry for hijacking this but i kind of have a similar problem.
A POI was removed for no obvious reason.
It was a POI since 2012 Ingress times, with lots of good ratings and pictures (in Ingress).
It then appeared in PoGo too first as a stop and later when more stops been added became a Gym.
The same for Harry Potter (Wizards Unite). It was first a normal Location and later an arena.

Its a painting in memory of an old Brewery that made local beer for almost 200 years. Public spot, Street.

It was always well played as we had been 2 Ingress and later 12 PoGo and 6 Wizards Players.

And then suddenly, it was simply removed.
I tried to re-submit it, but was declined for a wierd (Farmhouse, wich it isnt) reason.

There seems to be a map of the IKEA at this location 56.531561,14.123298, if you want a wayspot at work this might be the only chance

I don’t see safe pedestrian access to that though.

But I was wondering what the blue building adjacent to the flags and trees is.

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Are you appealing the removal? You create a topic about that in the Wayspot Appeals category. Present any evidence you have that the Wayspot still exists and meets current criteria. If it was a property owner removal request, that is something that Niantic would be able to confirm.

I dont know what criteria a warehouse map would meet


AFAIK An existing wayspot doesnt have to meet cuurent criteria. So I am not sure why an appeal of a removal would need to either.

Wayspots are only removed if they no longer exist (not this case) or are unsafe (maybe) or on the banned list (not this case) or owner requests (maybe)

If Niantic is going to reinstate it, wouldn’t it have to meet current criteria? I know they have rejected all appeals we have seen here to restore removed graffiti.

Also, they said that a resubmit had been denied as “Farmhouse”, which I took to mean the “Private residence or farm” rejection. In which case this would no longer be eligible if this is SFPRP.

Anyhow, that was just a suggestion for @Nimrod2009US of how to convince Niantic to put it back in game. I did not make a blanket statement that all removal reversal requests must meet current criteria. Although I do think they should.

I think that opens a can of worms, impacting people’s game play which is why they haven’t gone back to 2016 etc and sunseted them or rechecked them.

Otherwise it would depend on removal reason IMO. Like if a remover submitted it wasn’t safe for pedestrian access, and then the appealer showed that it was (or submitter lied) then why wouldn’t they restore something that didn’t fit their own removal criteria.

PS: farmhouse was a highjack example not the original posters.

They’re pretty commonly accepted in the uk

That is why I reminded you that I had made the comment to that person, not the OP.

I stand by my statement.

The blue boxes are cointainers with IKEA settings in them. They are permanent exhibitions. I tried to nominate them first but got rejected due to not being permanent :stuck_out_tongue:

Today it popped up as a stop and I can´t figure out why.

Thank you. I will try to do that. It wasnt an owner request either, as we own 3 of the houses in that area. Our grandma was still working in said brewery. :wink:

I will try it, thank you.