NianticLabs Emails

Hey All,

Just been monitoring a few things recently online and offline and I seemed to notice that I haven’t been getting any emails from Wayfarer since 17th August 2024. I did notice this at the time when I made a couple of nominations and mainly I just check my dashboard for status updates.

Then I did a new nomination just yesterday and thought as I worked hard to get the wayfarer upgrades and I wasn’t using them I’d apply it to a new nomination to hopefully jump the queue.

To my horror this morning I found my new nomination had been rejected even with an upgrade,I half expected it to get rejected due to the amount iffy activity I’m seeing nearby more on that later.

However my next thought was to go and check the email rejection reason and who was to blame eg…the community or Emily etc… and to my surprise I hadn’t had any new emails from NianticLabs since the above date not even the nominations that had been recently approved or submitted were in my inbox.

While I can take a screenshot from my dashboard of the rejection that’s the most I can do as far as “taking a screenshot of the rejection email” or “show us the post details for advice” so either something is going on behind the scenes with emails on the server or I don’t know what’s happening…I checked my spam box and as always I moved all these to my inbox to make sure nothing was lost.

I read recently that “Emily had been turned off” which was a surprise but this would predate my issue I suspect as she doesn’t control this.

So my question is simply “is anyone else having the same issue with “Niantic” or “NianticLabs” based emails” as my Ingress emails such as damage to portals and Pokémon Go style emails for events still come through yet I had an email yesterday from both of these dated 17th December 2024 but nothing prior to this date.

I’ve put this in General Discussion as it’s more of a question than a nomination issue at this moment I have appealed the rejection but based on recent attitude on appeal replies I’m expecting this to still be rejected even after what I’ve said.

ML accepts are not happening currently, I believe since November 27, but ML rejects started back up again as early as December 4. You can check for the “Wayfarer criteria” rejection reason if you can’t check the email.

I get very confused around email issues so will let someone else try to answer that. It is usually something around being logged in to your game in a way that has a different email. Or something about Apple logins. I am an Android user.

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All I had on the dashboard was a red “Rejected” bubble but no explanation as to why hence why I went looking to find the emails to see the reasoning as it’s not on the dashboard.

It’s like sometimes I see screen grabs of a history of reviews done from you or the others but I don’t have access to this menu so I guess it must need some kind of higher elevation of account level.

I didn’t want to tag niantic into this just yet incase it was more widespread.

Hi there, what methods do you use for logging into the game(s) you make nominations with?

Also just to make sure since I’m not certain what you are looking for - while it is indeed annoying you didn’t receive the email, it is not expected to contain any rejection reasons. They are shown on the Contribution Management page when you click on your nomination.

If the community is to discuss your nomination on here to try and regroup for a resub, similarly you also don’t need any information from the email, usually people give advice based on the details shown on this same Contribution Management page.

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Contribution updates are sent to the email address connected to the log in method you used while logging in to the game account when you submitted the contribution. Please check the email(s) connected to your game account. I would also suggest checking if there have been any restrictions placed from the email service provider on receiving emails around the time you stopped receiving the emails.

Upgrades have no impact on the outcome of the nomination. They just prioritize your nomination for a more timely analysis.


idk what you mean by “the dashboard”

are you saying there is nothing underneath “Not Accepted” in this view? even after refreshing?

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usually refreshing the website if no reason is displayed yet, can reaveal one. Have you tried that already?

I use the same email/Google account which is a non standard custom address that I’ve been using since I started up ingress in 2019 and I’ve not had any issues with emails prior to this.

What I was looking for as such was as to why the emails from Niantic labs had not been coming in even the new nomination I did 48 hours ago didn’t generate a “thank you for your nomination…you are now at the mercy of the Niantic system” email and then the follow up email that Confirms or Denies if the Wayspot was accepted eg “our team” or “the community” that we have been using these emails are what I’m referring to.

Thanks for the positive questioning.

All my emails are directed to the inbox with only a handful going to the spam box which if I see they are not being classified correctly then I whitelist the email address so it doesn’t get sent there.

My registered email address is the same across the board for my Niantic games & Profile. It’s strange though as I’ve getting damage report emails daily from Ingress so where the Wayfarer emails since the date specified ?? Has Emily been letting some gremlins in ??

I know they don’t have any impact on the results they just open up the viewing pool to more eyes that local eyes so to say but still it got rejected.

@cyndiepooh By dashboard I’m talking about the contributions section where all my wayspots good or bad are sitting just like your screenshot.

However it only has the rejected/not accepted bubble and no explanation why when I looked inside unlike this old rejection that I’m still sore about…my poor legs hurt that day so I was grateful for the rest easy bench being there.

I did refresh & log out and back in clearing the browser cache as well but it still didn’t show however as I appealed it all it now states is “Appealed” / “Upgraded”

That is an appeal. Are you talking about an appeal decision or a standard first round submission? No one gets a full explanation for a first rround rejection. We only get those explanations when an appeal is also rejected.

I know that it’s an appeal decision I was just using it to explain what I was talking about in the context above it.

Yes they did give me a poor excuse here but I meant the list of nominations before this screen and when you click the rejection for more info.

Sometimes it states the reasoning eg…business,wayfarer criteria etc… but not in this case

I’m confused why you wouldn’t give us a screenshot of the one that has been rejected but doesn’t show any reason. Can we see that?