I couldn’t find a place to reply in the post from @NianticTintino 's post but he made the comment: Baskets in Disc Golf and golf holes should not be accepted as there is a clear safety risk associated with standing next to them. And I just wanted to say, I defiantly understand your point, but disc golf courses in local parks, such as my local one is intertwined within the rest of the park, meaning the course crisscrosses the paved walking paths, baskets are often placed near athletic fields, playgrounds, picnic areas, and other park amenities. Standing on the walking trail is just as dangerous as standing next to the basket as several baskets are only 2 feet off the sidewalk walking trails. It is no more of a safety risk standing near a disc golf basket than it is standing next to a baseball field, because foul balls do happen often.
Are you referring to this thread?
Placing a POI at the basket would be like placing a POI at the target at an archery range. If the person playing the game (archery, disc golf, etc) misses, you run the risk that they could significantly injure a person standing around looking down at their phone.
It doesn’t really matter how the locals feel about this. Niantic has decided that they don’t want to be responsible for that kind of risk. They have told us not to place POI near targets and that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. A desire for more game interaction points should not overrule basic common sense and regard for human safety.
I understand that this is what has been decided, I’m just saying that there have been more people sent to hospital from a foul ball than a Frisbee. You make the point of if someone misses running the risk of injury, but that could be said of every stop that in next to a road, if the driver misses they could run off course and injure a person standing around looking down at their phone. I’m sure if an actuary (person who’s job it is to actually calculate risk) were consulted they would show that the baskets are less of a risk than many things currently allowed. And while yes it has been decided, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be reexamined, as many things have changed over time in the criteria. Part of the purpose of the forum is to express opinions and gauge community support of criteria, I’m simply expressing my opinion that I don’t believe baskets are enough of a risk to exclude them.
It’s a lot easier to know that a baseball game is being played versus walking through the woods and randomly coming across someone throwing discs. And it’s not that common for the balls to leave the fenced area.
Regardless, disc golf still gets just one wayspot per course.
Perhaps that means “safety” is not the only reason to ask not to add baskets and holes as separate wayspots. One wayspot is enough to represent a football field; we do not need to submit all goal posts. One wayspot for a basketball court. One for a disc golf course. One for an orienteering course, etc.
Roughly 1,800 foul ball injuries a year at Major league level.
40,000 golf ball injuries a year.
I tripped over a 2 foot wall and landed in the Thames while trying to catch a Galarian Moltres.
I understand all courses are different, @tehstone not all courses are in the woods, and no one mentioned multiple wayspots @holdthebeer. I have come across courses with only the baskets, so, to have an image of anything to submit it has to be the basket. This thread was not started about a particular place it was about just baskets in general.
Do we need to ban the ones next to bodies of water too for safety? So, 1,800 at Major league level (the people that are the experts) so I wonder how many for kids just learning? And I can definitely believe the golf ball one. I would love to see stats for disc golf. I know the people just playing regular frisbee in the park or the ones playing extreme frisbee pose a bigger risk than the ones playing frisbee golf.
Nah, that was just me being an 1d1ot.
I’d be very surprised if adding individual baskets ever gains any traction as most people are against the idea
Remember, this only means you cannot submit the baskets. There are plenty of other potential items in that forest or park to nominate. Look for a trailmarker or something else of value, trust me. If the disc golf course is in a park. there are plenty of other things to nominate.
DM me and we can talk strategy.
I bet it ran away too
Wow!!! Fantastic
Does it mean I can report such wayspots as invalid and they will be removed, especially considering that submitters have no clue what “par” means?
Check out this thread from Wayspot Appeals
Thanks, I’ll start reporting them!
I’m in agreement about ball fields. They are certainly more a risk to personal injury than disc golf courses and baskets. I know multiple people who have had car windows broken and being injured by foul balls. I’ve never heard of anyone having a window broken by a disc or being injured by a disc. Saying that disc golf courses/baskets carry an inherent risk for injury seems to be a drastic overstatement.