Nomination in voting for ~two months!

Hello! I’ve had a nomination stuck in voting for about two months now. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and have never had this problem before as we have a rather large player-base. My other nominations have all settled within two-three weeks tops. Anyway, here’s the nomination:

Anyway, not sure if somebody lost this nomination between the couch cushions or something like that, but my patience finally has dwindled to the point of reaching out for any insight into why this one in particular has taken so much longer to process in relation to my others. But yeah. Thanks for your time and for any sort of clue as to what the delay might be.

If you are tired of waiting on a decision, that is when you should use an upgrade. You get the upgrade from reviewing other nominations, and it will send yours to a wider review pool.

Two months is hardly any time in Wayfarer normally. It used to take over two years here. A lot of people got used to ML deciding their nominations in 24 hours, but ML’s ability to accept has been turned off. We have to get those people who stopped reviewing because they didn’t need upgrades anymore to start again.


I’ve been trying to grind out some reviews. The sheer number of crap nominations cuts deeply into my soul. I’ve reviewed about 250 nominations and am still 30% away from an upgrade.

Maybe I scrutinize the nominations too much leading to the process taking longer, but those 250 reviews have taken multiple hours of time. I apologize that this totally comes off like complaining, but I suppose I got used to the ML acceptance era and haven’t been christened in the true wayfarer experience yet :rofl:

If this nomination is taking longer than usual for your area, I’d guess either

  1. Fewer people are reviewing lately
  2. Reviews are divided on whether to accept or reject, so the threshold hasn’t been met either way

I see two issues that might be contributing to the second possibility: you mention trainers in the description (game references aren’t allowed in the title or description, but maybe not everyone is catching that) and it looks like a neighborhood of SFPRP and some people might not be convinced it’s separate from the house next door.


Gotcha. Should’ve mentioned the double access from the sidewalk in the supporting info.

Oh I absolutely get that! I find reviewing a little less soul crushing now that some good nominations are making their way into my flow with ML accepts turned off. We can all commiserate together.

It does take some time for the upgrades to start rolling in, but try to do at least some reviews every day.

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good catch! i read it and didn’t see “trainers”

@Malphoria maybe don’t upgrade this one

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Also, the zoning here is a weird mix of commercial and residential. Cincinnati has shops and factories in some bizarre locations relative to how close they are to private residences.

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Also, thanks for the tip to not mention “trainers” in the description. If I could go back to October, I’d smack the phone out of my own hands, change the word “trainers” to “one” and call it a day.

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I believe you, it looks to be separated from the property next door on street view to me, but perhaps not everyone is convinced. If there is anything you can link to in your supplemental info to prove it’s maintained by the city/county/whoever and not part of SFPRP it might help reviewers if you need to resubmit (without the game reference too :wink:).

I don’t think this is a bug or technical issue. For reference, my current oldest unresolved is August 2024. And, I’ll take 4-5 months over 2.5 years as it used to be not that long ago anytime :slight_smile: