Waiting time is very long

How many years should I wait Niantic to accept or not an upgraded wayspot?

These were quickly accepted:

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This one is being reviewed by the community, not by Niantic. Voting time varies greatly depending on how many reviewers you have in your area. In the US, I usually get a decision on an upgraded nomination in a few hours, but it may take longer other places. If you don’t have a decision by 6 weeks, I would recommend tagging staff to see if this is bugged.

Glad to see the ML model did not reject it this time!


4 weeks since than…

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Yeah…it happens…

But just got to be patient sometimes :confused: wishing you luck though that it goes through soon!

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Almost 6 weeks for other nominations… Is it a bug?

6 weeks isn’t very long… in the current state of things nominations can probably take around 6 months and still be perfectly normal.

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No, 6 weeks is a very very long period. If you don’t see the problem, you just don’t care. You think this is fine, I don’t! I think Niantc is incompetent because, you know, it doesn’t have the competence to accept the nominations faster. The nominations are made for community, not for the company employees to make their work easily. Niantic should show us a little more respect.

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You asked if its a bug, its not. Niantic has made great advances into lowering the turn around time. Few months ago the turnaround time in a lot of places was iver 2 years and Niantic has slashed that down very considerably. Are these other nominations you speak of upgraded as well?


So I waste my time making nominations and voting others nominations to be accepted in 6-24 months? During this time, there is a chance that I will die first. Ok, thank you very much for nothing!


It is a very frustrating experience waiting for a nomination to be resolved, and it is fine to ask about it. However on this forum we ask that everyone remains respectful. Others will understand your frustrations, so you need to accommodate those that are trying to help you.

Binging down the resolution time has been something the Team have worked on and the introduction of the automatic checking and rapid approvals or rejections of the most clear cut nominations along with focussed community efforts in challenges has transformed the experience for the better.

It is good that you are reviewing that will help.
No one out side of the Wayfarer team knows exactly how the flow of nominations works. But what is clear that you need a good number of people reviewing in order for there to be enough to vote in order to get a result.

Are you willing to share which country you live in and if you live in a rural or urban area?

Some countries just have a low number players / wayfinders. There are fellow wayfinders in this community who will be willing to help by moving their bonus location to nearby so that nominations can get more votes. It’s a temporary fix to get things moving. But hopefully with more wayspots more people might play ……and so on.

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I am from Romania and more of my nominations are in a rural area. In the nearest city, I saw less than 5 players with level higher than 37 in Pokemon GO and it is a chance they are not living in the city because I beat them in the gym and never saw them again.


That does sound as though numbers of players is low.
Without an upgrade you might struggle.

Upgrades push your nominations to a wider geographic pool of reviewers - normally countrywide. So hopefully there are enough wayfinders reviewing in the whole of the country.
This shows the size of review areas - picked a spot near centre of Romania.

So the size of the magenta boxes (known as cells) is where you should get a flow of reviews from, and the primary area that will get your nomination to review.
As I said the upgrade draws on a wider range.
I’m guessing most players are in Bucharest so if you are further north you will miss out on that pool of players unless you upgrade.
That is a simplified view. But it should give you a better sense of what your local speed issues might be.

How difficult are you finding it to do reviewing in terms of progress towards an upgrade?

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More than 2 weeks for an upgraded nomination? Why should I waste my time reviewing nominations?
One more upgrade and I am done with this.

You want it to go faster. The way for it to go faster is to get more people to review.

So your solution is to quit and remove people from reviewing?

That’s the opposite of the solution. This is a crowd sourced process. You need more crowd. Try to get more people interested in reviewing.