Nomination - Reviewing Diameter

So I’m aware once a nomination goes into queue, its in a waiting list inside a certain bubble so to speak (diameter ) of reviewers, but if an upgrade is applied, that “bubble” gets bigger, therefore exposing your nomination to a greater audience.

So here’s the question, is the diameter distance (mileage) with upgrade and without one public knowledge or is that something niantic keeps private?

Hope my photo helps make sense

From community observations, the reviewing range is based on S2 cells, not simple diameters.

For the play area that is only one source of your review queue, it takes the level 6 cell you are currently located in, and all its surrounding cells, and then this is your normal voting range. Someone would need to overlap with said range to your nomination to review it (if no other factors are at play).

I didn’t follow that there is a known upgrade range, but that it does usually include the entire country + areas where cells overlap into other countries (if any)

Hmm… …so a level six cell is 4,096 level-twelve cells, and if the surrounding eight level-six cells are all on land they’re 32,768 more! And each of those contains 64 level-seventeen cells to consider for potential PoGo nomination. (I had a nomenclature glitch, but I didn’t use it to count cells)

The inclusion rule of that game uses Level 17 cells though, idk if you made a typo or got it wrong

You’re US based, right? If you want, I could show you your “local + surrounding” region. Since it’s S2 cell based, it’s difficult to give a radius or distance. You could live in an area (like me) where driving 5 minutes puts me in a different region and therefore 3 different “surrounding” cells, which also gives me a different major metro to review. And my regions are fairly rectangular but they can be square or trapezoidal or other.

As kawin said earlier, we really only have observed data points and I’m not immediately sure there’s anything “official” on it, but the theory is that an upgrade opens up your nomination for the entire country to review, although not necessarily immediately or following an expected queuing.

Not everything you review that isn’t part of your local area is upgraded, either. It’s just the surest way to prioritize it.

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Yes please show me the local + region.

My general location is Los Angeles, California, USA

So, again this is theoretical and with some of the changes to the backend Niantic has made lately, it’s not necessarily absolute truth anymore, but one section of what you review should be the middle region and surrounding. (Note that this also should be where your “featured/showcase Wayspot” comes from, too), which also means anyone in these regions should be getting your nominations. Edits and photo contributions follow similar but different logic, same with bonus & home locations.

And, again, upgrading theoretically opens it up to the national level. Although, I’ve had some nominations show up for friends far removed even when I didn’t upgrade, so there are other ways nominations get prioritized.