Nomination to review has same photo as existing wayspot

I just saw like 3 in a row in Florida.

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I keep getting ones like this from San Jose California. But am starting to pay more attention now.

I just got this one to review. Made sure to get a screenshot and reported it. Same title and description, too.

Edit: Hereā€™s the response I got back. Maybe they just needed more than 1 person filing a report? Maybe?

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And now I got this one:

The supporting photo is the actual Wayspot photo, I just noticed:

I didnā€™t post the supporting photo, but i have it in my review history

I guess taking action did not mean pulling it from review - unless they have submitted it again.

Iā€™m reporting this one, too. Again, they may need more than one example. Iā€™m also going to link to this thread, so they can see the discussion weā€™ve been having about this.

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I just had the same EXACT nomination for a medical plaza pop up THREE times in a rowā€¦Im now thinking someone or a group of people are spamming nominations. Cause this is getting ridiculous the number of duplicates lately.


Agree, it is getting ridiculous, and itā€™s spamming the system.

Iā€™ve gotten all of the examples above.

If these arenā€™t ā€œhoneypotsā€ or stagged reviews by Niantic, it really raises a question as to why so many people are seeing them across the region, despite the area not being a selected review location.

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I do have LA as my bonus fwiw.

These were from texas too. Which is FAR out of my home location & bonus locationā€¦which is odd unless someone has a stack of upgrades and is trying to burn them by submitting duplicate nominations that are questionable to get an approval one 1ā€¦I really hope this isnt the case but there is obviously something going on here. Im just going to start submitting them via the ā€œreport abuseā€ tbh.

Most of these are in the San Fran Bay area, not near LA at all, and they are about 380 miles apart.

I havenā€™t gotten any from other places, like TX and GA, just the San Fran Bay area, which is where Niantic is based out ofā€¦ :thinking:

Iā€™ve gotten a few, maybe a dozen, from north FL (where I have my bonus), and one in KY. Hard to know whatā€™s a coincidence.

But mostly from CA.

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Iā€™ve seen some in Texas and Florida too. Iā€™m far from those states.

A few of the examples in this thread are from the Southern California area (Santa Ana and the LA port area). I think thereā€™s also a reddit thread complaining about the same bridge nomination in Texas being seen 7 times in 30 reviews.

So, they seem to be all over.


Just an update on the report I filed for this one. I did it as fake nomination and criteria issue instead of photo issue this time.


I donā€™t think it is a bug where it is being sent multiple times. Sometimes the words vary, as well as the gps coordinates. My review history compared to the portal.

There is a separate Wayspot for that second one sometimes in review, but it is not a portal, so I canā€™t check it. The same photos are used for both Wayspots, so I think they are the same poi.

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I actually got a ā€œThank you for your patience while we investigateā€ follow up which was interesting. Think thats the first one of those Ive gotten. Usually I just get a result email.

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As well as the main and supporting photos, which was the case for the last one I reported.

And yes, I remember one of the pool nominations being ā€œApartmentsā€ instead of ā€œApartmentā€ that was the current title.

I think there could be a number of possibilities as to why this is happening, but a bug does seem odd; youā€™d think a bug would affect more users, and weā€™d have reports from around the world. Right now, they seem to only be popping up in the US.

Okay so this was in Ohio. I got these both to review this morning using the same photo.

This one is not an existing Wayspot.

The submitted locations are 39.996659,-83.013372
and 39.996636,-83.013313

Not a bug because the locations and text are different.

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