Not Accepted, Other Rejection Criteria Abuse What does this mean for me?

Hi! Welcome to the forum! I’m so sorry one of your first nominations was rejected. I can’t speak for the abuse designation (unless the pin was misplaced from where object actually is [I can’t tell from what I can see here]), but I can say that despite seeing others like them in the games, individual golf holes are not eligible waypoints. I’ve linked the criteria below so you can read further.

This is when I get to say the completely unsatisfying but also completely true statement of “you can’t base your nomination’s eligibility on what you see on the gameboard in the real world.” Not all nominations that are no longer eligible have been removed, so I understand why it’s confusing. If it were me, I would withdraw the submissions that haven’t entered voting yet that are individual disc golf holes, but that’s up to you.

If this is the first thing that has been flagged as “abuse,” I wouldn’t worry too much. It wasn’t accompanied by an email warning or an “educational” email, so it will be okay. Just make sure you are nominating according to the criteria in the future!

I also know that it feels awful. Please don’t let it keep you from contributing (and coming here to talk to us) in the future!