First of all, I am from Germany so my English is pretty limited.
After not submitting WaySpots for two years, I came back to play PokemonGo again and submitted some new Spots.
All of these 4 spots got rejected in one day and all got the same rejection criteria „Wayfarer criteria"
Why are these contributions rejected instantly? They weren’t Even checked by real Reviewers.
P.s. I just realized that I could´nt even appeal against any rejected submission anymore.
Hello! If you’ve been away for a while you may be unaware that Niantic now use Machine Learning (ML) for nominations which usually provide the reject reason of “Wayfarer criteria” so you’re right in that they may not be seen by a person.
No worries about that. Rejections happen. There is always more to the story than just getting rejected. Fake nominations and stuff like that could, but not good faith nominations.
Really thought this could be a wayspot as it is a public bench to rest. I fully understand if it gets voted as too comon or not special enough by the community but an instant rejection is harsh imo
The ML (machine learning ai) model has been taught that a generic bench is not eligible. If it is going to accept or reject, it usually does 20-24 hours after you make the nomination.
If ML accepts the submission, it goes live! No more reviewing needed. It can accept, reject, send to in house human Niantic voting, or leave for community review.
Seeing the Wayspot in game depends on inclusion rules and happens at daily sync. For Pokemon Go it has to be alone in a level 17 S2 cell. For ingress there is a 20m rule from another portal.
First you are very welcome to write in whichever language you feels most comfortable. There is a translation tool so included in the forum.
There are other German speakers too tgat can offer local insights.
The queue of nominations used to be very large in places you used to wait up to 2.5 years
With developments in the use of intetellgent programming wayfarer has introduced a variant of machine learning ( ML) programming (affectionately nicknamed Emily) to auto review submissions. It has taken time but as result of this process some very poor submissions are auto rejected and some very obvious good ones are auto accepted.
This usually happens within 24 hours and the accept/reject refers to our team.
Emily is constantly learning so should improve. As with anything like this there can be false accepts or rejects. If you get accepts it’s great, if you get rejects it’s not as good.
You should get appeals as others have said.
I haven’t seen the detail of your submission but it looks like an ordinary bench. If that impression is correct, then the reject is also correct.
Do wander round the forum I’m sure there is lots to catch up on - oh and reviewing is different too😂