NYC Rain Garden has been Rejected

Hello Community, any tips or idea to why this was declined? I know the snow doesn’t show the flower aspect of the garden, but these are rain garden indeed the name is on it. there is bout 4-5 of them around this area, one already being a poke stop so I’m a bit confused. I even attempted to put the location in the name to avoid “duplicates” it also got denied

NYC Rain Garden

98 Riverdale Ave, Brooklyn NY 11212

This is a garden that collects rainwater, holds it for a limited amount of time and filters it before slowly releasing the water into the ground. It collects rainwater from impervious surfaces like roofs, pavements or driveways, allowing the water to slowly seep back into the ground, preventing runoff from local waterways. Located on Herzl Street and Riverdale Avenue

Supporting information
Not only is this a garden its primary purpose is to reduce runoffs and provide food and shelter for pollinator such as butter butterflies. The water seeping into the ground. also prevents mosquitoes from harboring. NYC Environment Protection. There are a few of these gardens around this area.

The “Wayfarer criteria” rejections usually indicates that this has been rejected by Niantic’s ML (machine learning ai) model. This usually happens around 20-24 hours after submission, and the email will say “our team” instead of the community decided.

I am unclear as to how these meet the criteria of a GREAT place to exercise, explore, or be social? Isn’t this infrastructure? Am I missing something?

I love designated Rain Gardens - there’s one near me, a long-term Wayspot itself. These gardens are nice green spots (usually with informative signage) in an urban landscape, and I consider public gardens a great destination for exploration. But that’s just my opinion…have you appealed this nomination yet?

One thing I see is that a good deal of what you list in the supporting info, such as it being a garden to help provide space and food for pollinators, should be in the description. Rain gardens can be educational, educating people about the importance of rain, drainage, as well as the wildlife that benefit from them. If you include more of the educational info in the description, it may meet the explore criteria. There are others in the area, as you noted, but I wouldn’t include this in your supporting info.

Also, the main photo is a little off-center, and of the sign, not of the sign and the garden in bloom. Personally, I would maybe wait until the weather is warmer, there are plants growing, and take a better photo of the sign and garden during then. The snow doesn’t make it look like a rain garden, and that may not be helping.

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i have to wait 20 days, to appeal this one and the other one on a few blocks away. (i previous appeal two stops)

I would love a better photo! i was planning to add them to the spot when the springtime come arounds, even with snow this rain garden is still doing its job esp when the snow melts. I do my best to take a picture of name of Garden so there’s no confusion to what this place is all year round.

I still think waiting for the weather to improve and taking better photos will be a better way to go about this one. A snow covered rain garden seems a little odd, if you think about it.

But the supporting photo doesn’t show any plants growing, which could be confusing ML. It may be looking for plants since that’s typically what’s in a garden.

snow covering a garden, makes it less of a garden ? Even when it says its a garden? i dont control the weather i would probably have to wait months before the plants come back…

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its a rain garden…

To my non-city eyes, this looks like just a place for rain water to run off. What I meant was, can you explain to me how this promotes exercise, exploration, or being social? What do you do there? Why do you go there? Would you bring friends there?

There are times when snow has caused issues for certain types of POIs when nominating, and I can see the snow possibly causing an issue in this situation.

I know of other rain gardens, pollinator gardens, pocket prairies, etc, in my area. Almost all have been submitted while plants have been in bloom, without snow on the ground. And yes, where I live, we do get snow in the winter.

Right now, it just looks like a bunch of rocks on the sidewalk covered in snow from the supporting photo, which ML may not see as that acceptable for it to be a Wayspot. Seasonal difference can make a difference, especially with ML sometimes, so it’s possible the snow and lack of plants growing could have caused the rejection from ML. We can’t confirm it, but it is something that has happened to others nominating in the winter when snow is on the ground.

I understand what your saying , us humans would know easily even with a change of weather, but not the AI.

Yes, but you have to get your nominations passed ML first, and the appeals team may side with ML on an appeal. There’s no guarantee that the appeals team will approve this; there’s no guarantee that any appealed nomination will be approved.

The photos right now just don’t make it an interesting candidate for a Wayspot right now. I would also have some doubt as to whether or not this was a rain garden because of the lack of plants if I got this in review.

Be the change you want, dont normalize snow ruining what you believe to be a valid candidate, the only way to engrave that its okay is to keep nominating it and keep appealing it. The more snow pictures that are out there, the more people and AI should understand that it can be okay.
Don’t take the easy way, and in turn make everything more difficult moving forward.

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its a garden… plants are died …due to weather… the city is more cement the grass lands you do same things here u would do at the community garden. “view plants”

Rain gardens do not have to be an urban POI, just to let you know.

its says its a rain garden …

so pretty much its a valid spot but the AI doesn’t recognize it because of the snow yet?

Im not siding with whether its valid or not, but i dont think you got an honest review due to snow… and thats not okay.