One perfectly good signpost rejected, the other one across from it got in

Look, I get that it’s not a very pretty or historical signpost, but the one across from it that looks EXACTLY THE SAME got in. And if I go to the biggest park in the city, there is a series of directional posts on a trail that all got to be stops. If the donut shop that you can see here got accepted and does not show up in PoGo, presumably in Ingress for god knows why, I feel that there’s some unfair judgement going on here.

Screenshot 2024-09-24 234758

Welcome to the forum @Dragoncat91 and sorry you feel frustrated. To answer one of your frustrations:

This is usually because each game has its own proximity rule. Pokémon Go only allows for one Pokéstop or one Gym per Level 17 S2 Cell. You can read more about S2 Cells in Pokémon Go here. You can also use a tool called IITC to view those cells, though you’ll need the Pokémon Go add ons for IITC. In this case, the doughnut shop is in the same cell as the Diamond Horseshoe Cafe.

As for the marker for the Cheyenne Greenway, did you include links in your supporting info to the website for the Greenway and also to the map of the Greenway to show that what you’re nominating is indeed a section of the Greenway?

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You can put links in nominations? I moved here in May so I didn’t even know the greenway had a website. Still, when I’m standing outside by a sign taking pictures, it’s frustrating and tedious to go into my web browser and look up a website just so people will accept it…

As for the cell rule, I had forgotten about that, thank you for the reminder.

You can use links in the supporting statement, just don’t put them in the title or description. Sometimes it’s easier to add links to your supporting statement after uploading the nomination, as you get a period of time where you can edit the text of your nomination on the wayfarer website before it goes into voting.

Welcome! If the community is to advise on that, I would suggest not redacting what the sign is for. I understand the privacy concern but it’s hard to operate on “perfectly good signboard” as the only information without your title, text, supporting info and a mostly redacted photo. Looks like @hankwolfman has better eyes than me but I cannot tell what it is based on the preview image on the left alone. :slight_smile:

As Hank also explained above, reviewers don’t decide in which games what wayspots appear, that’s a misconception. Each game has proximity rules that were put in place by the developers of that game, whereas Wayfarer is a game agnostic platform.

An aspect that certainly played against you is the fact that your nomination is not visible in the supporting photo (again sorry if I misunderstood that because of the redacting). That is likely to set you up for a worse outcome as it makes it harder for the reviewers to find it.

You have blacked out the identifiers, but I think I got that to review. It appeared to be markers for a trail to me, but mounted on the back of stop sign shapes, I thought it would struggle. I can’t find it in my review history to see what my thoughts were without the title, but you do not need to give that.

Your supporting photo does nothing to help prove to reviewers where this is located. That photo should include the thing you are nominating, but from further back. I think I remember being able to locate this on Street View.

I also had an issue with whether these were markers for the trail, or if they were just this group takes care of this section signs.

Oh, and an appeal being rejected does not mean you cannot submit it again if you do feel these are valid trail markers.

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Thanks for the advice.

I think I have this blanked out to not show the location. But I found “The donut shop on central” and it is not in Pokemon Go because it is in the same level 17 S2 cell as another Wayspot.

This is the other one, which I assume is live in PoGo

(I used iitc, a map of Ingress portals, with a PogoTools overlay to see the S2 cells.)

Some people have the misconception that Ingress “steals” Pokestops, but it is simply that the games having different algorithms for which Wayspots they will use. PoGo uses the L17 S2 cells previously mentioned, and Ingress uses a 20 meter rule. Wayspots can appear in either game, or both, or neither.