Park with no related signboard

Any tips on how I can strengthen this submission or should I just file it away in the “too hard” basket and move on?

The nomination was originally rejected by Emily as well being rejected on the subsequent appeal

Do you have any links from the local council / authority that shows this area as a community space / park? That could help us see this as a community space / park.


Thanks for the advice. I’ve just found a link that shows that the pinned location is zoned as a park -

I going to submit a fresh nomination tomorrow using this link to support my argument.

Thanks again


Good luck.

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As @P1dg3ySlayer says.

BUT you will need to prove it is a park. Google Maps does not help you. Joondalup local government does not list the park as an official park. Your map link is really hard to understand.

Here is an official local government map. The park you have identified is not there. – If you going to put evidence in… Make sure you can ID and compare that map to the nomination map

Where this is is bounded by Reverend John Smithies Park with Lake Goollelal. That park has a dedicated trail around it.

Have you nominated your low hanging fruit first…??

Good luck!!! I love a pocket park. I have only ever got them passed with empirical evidence they exist with links that expressly call them out. I am just letting you know my experience…

Good luck

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