Periods. Or: Periods

Yes this does not indicate that someone wants to change it from family to famiky.
It’s the way it randomises the order and then shows the difference. If you toggle the difference indicator off it will be easier to see which one it should be.
It’s not intuitive.
So this doesn’t infer anything other than there is a difference.


The typo is the current.

[edited to add that this seems like it should have been an easy ML decision.]


I always suspected it was randomly picking which to show changes for. We are supposed to be voting on the best edit so it shouldnt matter if you know whats the edit or the original. I just always look at both and see which sounds best or describes the location accurately.


I wish we could havea setting for “show changes” to be on or off by default

I cant follow with all the changes highlighted and work better without having it on by default


It could be because a majority rushed to vote for the incorrect spelling and recently changed the portal description?

The Kelley’s screenshot was taken four days ago.

Agreed! It could even depend on logic: If fewer than 5 characters changed, default to highlighting them so it doesn’t take me forever to figure it out. If 5 or more characters changed, default to not highlighting them; they’ll be obvious to see without.


The simplest explanation is often the correct explanation :sunglasses:

Next time you get an edit like this try backing in and out and see how the order and the highlighting changes.

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Just refreshing the page will do it.

I don’t see the periods as malicious. Some keyboard apps default a period after adding a space.

I’ve always been under the impression that the first row is the original title or description, then the second row is the proposed edit.

Here is an example:

Screenshots don’t lie. It’s a fact that the first row is the current title.

Not necessarily so.
It’s a common misunderstanding.
In theory the misunderstanding shouldn’t matter as you are simply choosing the better description.


Refresh a few times and it will change.


Refresh doesn’t make any sense as the original title appeared to move to the second row. Perhaps Niantic should clarify this.

From the Ingress Mission Creator, the shorter name is the current

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James McConnell Memorial

As was stated earlier, it does not matter which title/description is current. Pick the one that is better. If you can’t decide, skip. If you really want to know which is current, you can install an add-on tool that will let you open the edit in the Ingress Intel Map so that you can see the current - if it is a portal.


Was the title changed after the edit?

I’d like to see screenshots taken at the same time with the Wayfarer edit suggestion. Because G posted the screenshot over 30 minutes apart and possible updated by the time to took this screenshot. Is that possible?

That’s what I did with the above screenshot about WCIC Rock Fountain outside of TRIO Center. Both taken less than 1 minute apart.

I am looking at portals and they do not update until much later in the day than this. They haven’t been regular, but portal sync is at least three hours away. I don’t usually look for new portals until the next day.


You can also choose the option “none of these” if you truly dont feel either option is good. That way you would be voting to deny the edit for sure.(since we dont know which is which because its random)