The current photo for the First Baptist Church Pavilion & Playground is incorrect. It is still the old photo of the playground. I am one of the Pastors of the church and we have completely torn down the old playground (current main photo) and built our new Pavilion (secondary photo). This is an appeal to remove the current main photo and replace it with the secondary photo of the new pavilion.
Wayspot Title: First Baptist Church Pavilion & Playground
Location (lat/lon): (38.5372061, -84.8352691)
City: Owenton
Country: United States
Additional Information (if any): we have been approved for a name change and a description change.
I see your new photo is live through Ingress, so in the meantime, you can thumbs up the current photo in Pokemon Go. The photo with the most votes will be the one that is shown on the disc spinner.
Ingress votes don’t affect what shows in Pokemon Go.
If you don’t know how to thumbs up the photo in Pokemon Go, you tap on the title of the Pokestop/gym, then you should see a square that says 2 photos (in this case) at the bottom. Tap that, and you will see all the photos and can tap the thumb on the one you want to be the disc photo. If you tap the individual photos, you will see a count of how many thumbs (likes) each has.
If you are unable to see the photos there, you may still have to be level 38 to do this, but I think they were planning to lower it to level 37 as for submitting.