Plant Binomial Name Sign

I am seeking some guidance on how to treat a nomination for a sign which basically just states the binomial (i.e. English and Latin) name for a tree. This sign has no additional information on it. The tree has no apparent cultural or historical significance.

In my opinion, this sign has no educational value (other than stating the botanical name for a plant) and does not encourage further exploration or being social.

My confusion arises from the fact that are several existing approved wayspots in the surrounding area for similar signs.

This is an illustration of the gray area in Wayfarer. Some people feel these are interesting information and educational signs which meet the exploration criteria. Others feel like they are just another plaque among a multitude of plaques, and aren’t noteworthy or distinct.

I wish I could give you a yes or no answer, but I can’t. The submitter did go to the effort in the description to include the information beyond what can be found on the plaque, so that is a plus to me. I don’t see the supporting statement to see what they added there.

On nominations like this, I try to think if I would be motivated to go look at that point of interest. And if I can’t make up my mind, I skip.