Please help with my nomination

I don’t believe this is a difference in lifestyle here, but a difference in how we interpret the criteria, a difference in opinion so to say.

I used to ride the bus every day to work back in college. I wouldn’t consider the bus stop that I got off at near my job to be a good candidate for a Wayspot, as it’s just a sign on the corner of the street, which most of the bus stops in my city are. Most of these sign stops have 1-2 people waiting, or none most of the time. There are some shelters, but they are all pretty generic, nothing distinct about them. The main transit hubs, where there is indoor seating, ticket offices, and riders can transfer buses, do have Wayspots, as they are good places to be social.

There are some countries, many in Europe, that have had issues with regular bus stop signs having Wayspots when they don’t meet criteria, and Niantic has been working to remove them. Every so often, Wayfarers from those countries complain about these stops have Wayspots, saying they are too generic and not distinct, and asking for removal.

I’d like to note the first thing listed for rejection in the help center is this:

  1. Does not meet eligibility criteria
    Does not seem to be a great place of exploration, place for exercise, or place to be social. The object is mass-produced, generic, or not visually unique or interesting.

Many neighborhood signs are seen as being generic and not unique, hence why most are rejected. Most just are signs with the name of the neighborhood on them, and some cities use a similar design for each. Ones for apartment complexes are seen as advertisements, as they typically inform people about how to inquire about renting.

However, there are some exceptions, such as the signs having something else that would make them eligible, such as a water fountain or unique artwork. The sign in question that the OP posted to me has some unique design elements, such as the wood paneling, and the snowflake cutout is also unique to me, hench why I noted I would approve it.

Looking at this sign from Street View, there is a sidewalk, so it’s accessible to pedestrians. Now, I don’t know if the development doesn’t want people walking/biking on the grass there, but it can be safely accessed. I therefore wouldn’t reject it for not being safe.

Yes, it is hard for neighborhood signs to get approved, either by ML or by the community; they are hit or miss. However, just looking at this sign, where it’s located, and the design, I’m not discouraging the OP to completely dismiss this POI; I do feel improvements can be made, and it would be an interesting Wayspot in my opinion in how I interpret the criteria.


Is that what you meant to say? That you don’t think a bus stop is a bad candidate?

Sorry, I meant that it’s a bad candidate. Ugh, my brain sometimes. I edited the post.

Well said it’s about the balance where one rule just doesn’t apply the world over

Yup most bus stops are a lot of nothing, but if there is one next to a gym that’s the one players will use

Also some networks have very cool bus stops, take myciti CPT for example

:+1:I do that all the time in these little text boxes, and I usually agree with you, so I asked. Almost all my responses are edited after I see the whole text box post.

Value to the GAME is not value to the WAYSPOT.

The “end of the line” could meet criteria per the example here: Niantic Wayfarer

I have the felling it would be a very boring game of you where in charge :joy:

Not sure how constructive that comment is. There are guidelines for wayspot eligibility. People come here to learn about that and how to identify and improve valid way spots. Based on current Niantic criteria it can be challenging to find eligible ones in some areas. That does not mean people should not still follow the guidelines.

You are getting feedback from incredibly active players. Please carefully consider all their comments.


Please be respectful of other wayfinders.

I understand your point of view that if a wayspot is easy to go to it is accessible and therefore somewhere easy to visit. And that this doesn’t just apply to the wayspot for you but any game.
Although wayfarer has its roots in Ingress and OPR it evolved into a separate entity and is regarded as game agnostic.
So you need to assess without thinking about game play. So accessibility is not how you are interpreting it.
So much as buses and bus tops are great they are not relevant.


I think you’re missing the point and you’re also getting personal. These things are not a question of culture or lifestyle, their question of opinion interpretation of clearly stated criteria.

In any case, t eligibility criteria are clear. The place has to be somewhere that is a great place to explore, a great place to be a social, or a great place to exercise. And it’s not about making a place somewhere to hang out by putting a PokéStop or a portal there so people can play a game.

Take your example of the bus stop, a bus stop is not a great place to be social. Being social might happen at the bus stop, but it is not the point of the bus stop. On any given day at any given time, you wouldn’t say “hey guys, let’s go down to the bus stop and hang out” unless you had some other reason to be going to the bus stop. There are, however, many places that intentionally Exist just so people can be social and hang out, like parks and pubs and cool local coffee houses.


I have added over a thousand wayspots. It is not boring to play here.


It’s just an opinion I’m sure they are very happy with how they are paying the game, and we’d have fun playing together. But doesn’t mean either of our play style is the right way, regardless of wood more active or not.

Yup I read the guidelines and have my understanding of them, something like this could aid in exploration of the local area, you know go somewhere you wouldn’t

I also don’t appreciate the attitude that you think you “explain it to me” like gospel who do you think you are wayfarer god?

Maybe but do let others play the game how they like yours isn’t the only way

It’s not simply about “playing the game.” When you nominate a point of interest, it’s to place a way spot In a database. Different games Use that database for their own purposes. Many of those games are from Niantic, but developers from other companies can use the same database. That’s why there are general criteria for what should be and what shouldn’t be in the database.

It’s also not about putting things in there so you can play a particular game the way that you want to be able to play it. You say you’ve read and understand the criteria, but yet in the next sentence, you clearly do not understand the criteria, if you think that nominating completely ineligible, POIs is OK because that’s how you guys like to play.

When people nominate, and unfortunately, get accepted, really bad POI, then it requires even more effort (free labor) on the part of volunteers to go back and clean it all up. It also creates these situations where people get upset because “a perfectly valid stop/portal was removed” when in fact the POI should never had been in the database to begin with. But people see these really poor spots in the database and think that that’s what should be there creating a vicious cycle.


You’ve got your way to interrupt the guidelines and I’ve got mine and you’ve got yours. Learn to accept difference.

Your play might be fine for where you live and how you play and what you play. but it provides a very limited play for me and I’m here to improve game play not amass some random db so random people can use it for profit

Please learn to accept difference as your not the only one playing and your way of reading the guidelines isn’t the only way.

Did you even read my post? Your response has absolutely nothing to do with it. :person_facepalming:t2:

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And can you ask for mutual respect?

We’ve got different ways of looking at the world around us.

If you actually read my comment 8 didn’t say to add every bus stop just explained that that’s how I play and having a poi next to a bus stop is good for the community

@elijustrying Seems it might be time to close this thread….it seems to be going no where (or just round in circles).

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Many experienced community members and ambassadors or telling you the same thing and it is not about different opinions. If you choose to not follow guidance, that’s your choice, but it’s not just your opinion versus others’.


I’m only seeing a few people ganging up to enforce thier understand if the guidelines.

So you been doing this a while, only means your stuck in your ways and have scared of anyone else