Pokestops added to Brazil

A lot of people are reporting new pokestops. It is related to the gamescom announcement a few weeks ago. I made a post about it in the Silph road.

It seems just like a regular import though not very thought out and a lot of ineligible wayspots were added.


I hope they’re in Ingress too!

I also hope it’s only monuments and tourist spots. It would not be hard to filter out titles with “fire station”, “primary school”, etc

I think these are for the Pokemon Go Safari, so I would doubt they are in Ingress. I even wonder if they are permanent additions to GO. I hope to be wrong on both.

Nope, it’s also what you said. It’s rough. Motels, motels in Brazil are not the same as in the US, it’s for a very specific act, schools, anything really.



Good thing that they took on feedback and audited the Wayspots this time and nothing ineligible got through.


If you need some new content to focus on, Brazil has just had a mass import of “high quality” wayspots into Pokémon Go. Looking forward to seeing you discover all of them :joy:


Ooh, do they appear on Ingress this time?

I’m not sure. They’ve only just synced to Pokémon Go today, so it could be a few hours before we find out.

I am reading reports of great places such as schools, police stations and other emergency services newly appearing in game though, so looks like there’s been some great quality control going on again :+1:t2:


Pruning this wouldn’t even need AI. Just one SELECT (or IF) that excludes any with certain keywords in the title, like “police”, “broth el”, etc.

Better: Make an AI mini, that can make decisions based on title AND location. (Because there is no picture or description.) But obviously they don’t want to go to that much work.

It’s important to note that Foursquare had categories for everything.

It would be easy to say “yes” to certain POIs such as churches and “no” to ones that aren’t eligible in Niantic, and then sift through that filtered list.

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I’ve merged some posts from another topic here so we can all enjoy these new imports together.


You’re right! I’d forgotten that about Foursquare. That should make it even easier!!!

Is the category loaded onto the wayspot? That could be hilarious.

Having a look at a few to see if they match.

Pharmacy (4sq) = Pharmacy (Niantic)
Flower Shop = Floral Store
Tattoo Parlor = Commercial

So not quite?


It makes reviewing even more tricky tbh. I should just accept everything😂

Also we already got imports here. I remember one from 2021. Just seems a bigger push.

Being a typical monoglot Brit makes it tricky to see the good or terrible stuff.

What language is this?


I’m booking it now @elijustrying

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Yes this confuses me as well

People were just toying with it. A bunch of gibberish.

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Who doesn’t want another Wayspot for a stadium that already exists placed exactly in the middle of the pitch of one of Brazil’s biggest football teams…