New Pokestop not showing up

Please provide:

  • A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected

Pokestop has been accepted however is not showing up in the game. Screenshots provided below

  • Include the title, description, both photos, and supplemental information

Pokestop name is CJ’s Gone Fishing Mural

  • Copy and paste the title, description and supplemental so others can translate them


  • If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish

Please see map link:


It is within the same level 17 s2 cell as “Wiremu Parata Homestead Memorial Stone” and is also within 20m of it, so will not appear in Pokémon Go or Ingress.

I’ve had the same problem too but I’m pretty sure it’s because it’s in a same level 17 s2 cell as a pokestop that’s already there since only one pokestop can be made in an s2 cell. I made the same mistake too so yea

Hi @AeonDovah

In addition to @NvlblNms cell answere, I copy this out of the wayfarer faq:

If you can’t see it after 48h in your game, it sadly never show up there. Only chance is, that the other poi get retired one time, than this will show up from the back up.

In-game you sadly see, that you nominate a new Pokestop, but that isn’t the fact.


Also, adding to the previous comments, here you have a topic created for these cases, have a look when you have a moment ^^ : Why hasn't my approved POI shown up in my game yet?


Hi Gotrek27

Your approved Wayspot does not show in Pokemon Go because they only allow one per level 17 S2 cell to show in game, and this is in the same cell with Pomnik pamięci

It does show in Ingress because that game has a 20m rule for which Wayspots it will use, and your new one is outside the 20m circle.

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Hi there,
This poke stop was accepted, but did not showed up. Could you do anything about that?

Your nomination is in the same Level 17 S2 Cell as “Memento Mori”, so it isn’t able to show up in Pokémon Go, as each Level 17 S2 Cell can only contain one Pokéstop or one Gym.

It’s also within 20 metres of “Skawina Mural” so it isn’t able to show up in Ingress either.

It might get used in future Niantic games, and I’m fairly sure it will be used as a postcard for Pikmin Bloom.


This was accepted, but does not show up in Pokemon Go or Ingress. Wondering why?

Hi @stokke91, welcome to the forum! This wayspot is blocked from appearing in either of these games by the existing “Nystulia Stimarkør”, which appears to be exactly right on top of the one you mention and to have the exact same coordinates up to the 6th decimal point. Are both of these yours, and did you submit in Pokémon GO? If so, you probably didn’t intend it but Pokémon GO stubbornly keeps your location at the point you were at when first opening the menu. You have to always move the pin to the right location manually when nominating subsequent things and carefully check the satellite location because of this behavior of the Pokémon GO nomination flow. If these wayspots were both accepted by ML (was it within 24 hours of submitting and with an “our team” e-mail?), then it stands to reason that it wasn’t corrected.

The good news is that you probably can submit a location edit for the one that is misplaced or for both, if they both are. Let us know if you need help or explanations on how to do that.

As a side note, I would submit the hell out of that playground to the northeast. :slight_smile:


Hi, i’ve sent location edits for the wayspot. It should be fixed within the week


Thanks for clarifying, I didn’t notice that. I did not place them right on top of each other when I sent them in though, not sure what happened :thinking: And it was accepted by the team… Weird. But then it will hopefully be fixed. :crossed_fingers:t2: And thanks for the playground suggestion!

It’s a bug with Pokémon Go (I’m not sure if it also affects Ingress). If you’re doing multiple nominations, and you don’t go back to the map where you can see your avatar between submissions, then sometimes subsequent submissions will be given the coordinates of your first submission.

Mine was accepted but not showing up? Is it too close to another one? I don’t understand how they get accepted it they are too close…

It’s too close to an ineligible mailbox. If you can convince Niantic to remove the ineligible mailboxes then it’ll show up.

This stop was accepted, but does not show up in Pokemon Go, why?

It is in the same L17 S2 cell as another portal - I said portal instead of Wayspot because I am looking at iitc, a map of portals

This is the other one

Despite how the prompt reads, you submit Wayspots, not Pokestops. This is a good article on which Wayspots can become Pokestops:

Welcome @GuEsEaK and @marklew

In addition to what @cyndiepooh has included, currently Niantic has many games (Ingress, Pokémon Go, Pikman Bloom, Peridot, and MHNow). Ingress and Pokémon Go encourage players to nominate wayspots (though they use game immersive language). If the wayspots are eligible and accepted they make it in to the Lightship database which map all accepted stops. There are no proximity or density limits.

At this point, each of the games is able to use the Lightship database enteries to populate their own game. Each game uses its own unique set of proximity or density rules. Your accepted wayspots didn’t match up with the density rules for Pokémon Go, but may be included in other games.


Also, every Niantic game has different inclusion rules. For example, Pokémon Go uses level 17 s2 cells, and every wayspot has to be 20 meters away from other wayspots to be in Ingress.

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