Ratings making me sad - they have dropped because of the challenge

Niantic just address a recent rollback and noted that one thing they are trying to correct is user experience. Could be related to the ratings.

Update on ratings. Thanks to everyone who reported and persevered :slight_smile:


Oh that’s fantastic news!

Im so glad it wasn’t something we did wrong and that things will be put back!! Especially that we won’t lose out on agreements towards badges either :yellow_heart:


This is truly remarkable, thanks!

Will agreements lost from Niantic pulls and/or ML pulls that community reviewers have already seen be included in this? If not already, can that be something addressed, if not retroactively then going forward?


Does this mean we can safely review again from now? And will we get the agreeemnts added later for while we are still under “good”? I’d like to do some reviews but don’t want to miss the agreements

be sure to tell us if your rating has been adjusted!

So far, still fair, but the message did say thats the next stage so I wasnt assuming it would change right away

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Since April? Wow, and most didn’t notice until the challenge in May!

I will say that for the last week, I have stayed at Great, no dips down to Good.

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I suppose the challenge exacerbated it because we did a lot more reviews?


Btw thanks for being one of the ones to mention this originally, I hadn’t noticed it until I read your post and only then noticed I had dropped also. Really glad you were proved correct.

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I have noticed my pogo agreements going up but no change on wayfarer as of yet. Currently about a 500 difference between both. Now we wait.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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I saw my rating go from good back to great :+1: (only dropped after doing just 2 reviews a short time after the Challenge ended, as I commented earlier. I have only done a few reviews since the rating drop and so never saw it go as low as others).


I’m glad too!! I was thinking I’d done something really wrong, and was second guessing myself. Very relieved!!

I’m going to wait for it to be completely fixed before starting to review again I think. But itll be nice to go back to doing some reviews


I just went up to good from fair! I gained 1% more agreements with the reviews Id done a few weeks ago still trickling in


Oh, 6 reviews made it go back to fair, nice :sob:
Okay definitely not touching it again till its reset back to pre-challenge levels

Edit: okay I caved and tried more. Amusingly Im now teetering right on the edge of good/fair because if I do 1 review, my rating immediately drops to fair, then goes back up to good a bit later :laughing:


@frealafgb something new on the rating front?

I just got back to great. Since I also got back to good roughly the same time as @frealafgb, it might be the same again.
However, I did not make any reviews in the mean time because of his report of being down again to fair after only 6 reviews.


Last update from Niantic on the issue was June 21:

There hasn’t been an update since, and I have noticed fewer agreements being received in the last few days, most likely because this is still an issue for many reviewers. I haven’t had my rating drop in over a week, and am at Great.

It would be nice to get some kind of update, since it’s such a major issue.

Hi @DTrain2002
I asked not reasonless :wink:

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