Rejected wayspot removal appeal: Centro de Acolhimento João Paulo II (Safe haven for young mothers)

  • Wayspot Title: Centro De Acolhimento De Jovens João Paulo II
  • Location (lat/lon): 38.696643,-9.296322
  • City: Paço de Arcos
  • Country: Lisboa
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

This is a care home for young pregnant women and single mothers with their children. The fact that this wayspot is published sickens me.

In my removal request, I’ve provided the context information.

Translated official information


What it is: This residence can host 10 teenage mothers and their babies.
This is only possible thanks to the EDP Solidarity Award 2005, a partnership with S.C.M. Oeiras, and the support of individuals and companies for its upkeep.

Objectives: To enable young mothers to continue their education, aiming for future autonomy with better educational qualifications and, consequently, an improved quality of life for themselves and their children.

Beneficiaries: Pregnant women in need who are willing to be supported.

Making players go through an appeal to reverse this decision just shows how broken your system is.

Edit: Forgot to add that I’ve been reporting this since 2022. All rejected.

Hi, I am pretty certain you got feedback separately. Appeal posts are supposed to follow a specific format and will be edited accordingly if they are not, and the number one rule of the forum is to be respectful to anyone. Please abide by these rules.


I have had many heated arguments with staff, including by DM, and have never needed to resort to insults. They do not help make your case. I had commented here on the original post, and deleted that post when I saw the post had been edited.



For future reference, if you do have a valid Wayspot removal request denied, you can always come here to the forums and appeal the rejection with further info. I wouldn’t keep submitting removal requests if I know my request is valid and can provide more info on the forums to staff.

It can be hard to get Wayspots removed at times, especially if there isn’t any further info that can be found, and just by searching by the name of the Wayspot on Google Maps, it’s not even listed. Understandable that it’s not on Google Maps, as it’s not necessarily a place that one would want advertised.

It’s possible that there’s a misunderstanding as to what this location is, as the title translates to John Paul II Youth Reception Center in English, and the description translates to “Youth reception center that is part of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Oeiras.” A reception center could be many different things; it could even be viewed as an event center, where one could hold a wedding reception.

Looking at this on Google Maps, it also appears to be some sort of apartment building, which also may not be helping.

I certainly know of homes like these for young mothers and their children that are supported by different social service organizations or even local churches. There’s one not far from my hometown that’s supported by the church there, as it’s in the old rectory building, and can house several who are pregnant or mothers with young children at one time. Many times, these women may be 18 and under themselves, and, unfortunately, been kicked out of their homes by their families.

I do see this as a possible sensitive location, similar but somewhat different than a domestic violence shelter, as well as a place that the children may receive care and education when the mothers may be out in the community, so it could also fall under a child care center.

the op is already upset, and i do not think further commentary from anyone other than staff is necessary on this topic. pertinent information was provided.

I’m providing them with support, and some additional info, being helpful. I don’t think I’m hurting whatsoever, and it also helps to let them know how to appeal, as they just kept submitting removal requests, from their email account screenshot, not appealing after the 1st rejection.

Agree to disagree, I guess. The post was also edited, so I don’t see what you may have originally seen, unless I click on the pencil icon.

@s3w2 I’ve sent you a private message regarding your recent posts. Please confirm that you have read and understood the guidelines outlined in the message. Further support regarding your inquiry will be provided once we receive your confirmation.


I’ve confirmed having read and understood the guidelines two days ago.

I’m now eagerly waiting for your review of this appeal, since the previous removal requests over the years have been ineffective. Let me know if you need additional information regarding my appeal and the wayspot in question.

Thank you very much for your time and effort reviewing this appeal.

We have retired the Waysspot in question and you should see the changes reflected soon.

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Wonderful. It only took a couple of years and a thread with very productive dialogue to do the right thing.

The vulnerable people at this home will appreciate it. Thanks so much!

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